Chapter Thrity-One

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Jayden pov.

I felt soft hands on my face. I know its Cassie's cause throughout the night, she kept on tracing different pattern on my chest. I opened my eyes and I was greeted with are beautiful face.

"Good morning Cassie" I smiled at her.

"Good morning Jay" both of us had nothing to say to each other.

I don't still know how to act towards her. Should I look at her with pity or should I love her unconditionally. Now I know the reason she hates men, I hope she won't reject me.

We kept on staring at each other. Her eyes kept adverting from my eyes to my lips. I looked at her lips and it was a deathly mistake. Her lips were full and plump pink lips. 'Oh christ!' They are so tempting. I couldn't resist any longer i smashed my lips on hers.

I kept kissing her, But she was not kissing me back. I was about to pull away then she began to move her lips. She copied my action and my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I pulled her into me. The kiss became fast and filled with passion. I kissed her hungrily wrapping my hand in hair hair making her moan a little into the kiss.

I switched position. Her back on the bed and I was on top. I left her lips and started trailing kisses from her jaw to her neck. I kissed around her neck, looking for her soft spot. I smirked when i heard her loud moan as I kissed the back of her ear.

I bit her earlobe and she wrapped her hands around my back. I moved my hands to her waist. I gripped her waist and she froze underneath me.

"No" is whimpered and I began to lose the gripe i had on her.

"No dad please no" I quickly jumped out of the bed. Shit she thought I was her dad. Did she think i was going to rape her.

She stopped her cries of pleas and opened her eyes. When she turned to me, she realized what just happed and quickly looked away.

"I think I should go" I began walking towards the door.

"Jayden wait" but I didn't. I don't know what to say. Did she really think I will do that to her. I closed the door and walked to my room.
Cassie I not talking to me. She has not said a word to me for a week. Not a single word. And am losing my mind. My sanity is running our. I've tried to talk to her and her reaction towards me gave me the shock of a life time.

"Hey Cass, its time for lunch lets go" I met her like I normally do.

"Did I tell you to enter my office Mr Black" her voice was cold and sharp.

"Oh sorry I forgot. Lets go" I apologized

"Looks like you don't understand your place here Mr Black" i became confused.

"Cassie what's going on?"

"Its Miss Brooks to you sir and i don't accept this kind of relationship. I am your superior and not your friend. You will treat me with respect" I was stunned at her words.

"Woah! Cass- sorry Miss Brooks but what's wrong?"

"I'll advise you young man. If you want your job you mind your business and treat me with respect now get out of my office"


"Out" with my remaining pride and dignity i left her office.

End of flashback.
I was angry and hurt at what she said to me that day. I didn't talk to her for the rest of the day. The tension and anger between us keeps increasing by the day.

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