Chapter four

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Cassie Pov
Getting into the house the maids greeted me but I did not answer.

I walked to the gym with my work clothes and straight to the punching bag hanging. I started punching the bag with all my strength.

I was angry how can they do that after everything we have been trough.

Moms wants to move out and leave with another man after what happened how could she do that.

And Mary is also planning on moving in with her boyfriend. She even has a boyfriend. She is just 20.

I kept punching with every anger in my body until my my hands gave up.

I looked at my hand and saw the blood falling from the now formed bruise.

I went to the tap to wash my hand. Hissing from the pain i looked at my face in the mirror. The girl looking back at me looking emotionless. I walked away and took my bag and left the gym.

Going to the living room i asked one of the maids to get me glass of water.

I heard voices and I saw my mother and sister walking into the living room.

"Cassie why do you like ordering us to do everything. Its our life not yours. Let us make our decision and leave us in peace" Mary told me I can tell she was angry.

I won't lie and say that her words did not hurt me cause it did. But I did not show it.

"Cassie why will you say something like that" my mom scolded me. I looked at her like she is crazy.

"Your asking why I behaved like that. Your moving in with a fucking man for crying out loud". I shouted.

"How long have you been thinking about this" I need to know

"For 3 weeks now. I love him Cassie he is different". is she serious now. I let out a bitter laugh.

"You love him... You love him. Well I don't support that love at all and you have to pick your new found love or me"

I know I am being harsh but i don't care right now I didn't want a repeat of the past. She looked hurt and broken i can tell she is about to cry and I immediately regret my words i was about to talk but she beat me to it

"You know what Cassie i have been with you with every decision you have made but right now am not following you with this. I hate to say this but am going to stay with Bruce." She told me firm

I no she could see the hurt in my face cause she was about to talk but I stopped her.

"Well looks like you have made up your mind I will tell the maids to help pack your things" she looked shocked

I turned to to Mary and I can tell she wanted the same.

"And I no you too will like to live with your boyfriend Josh correct?" I asked

"Yes" she whispered.

I looked at both of them in disbelief.

"I will tell the maids to pack your things also" I turned to walk away but u stopped.

"I hope the both of you enjoy your new life without me good bye"

I walked to my room and buried myself with work so I will not have to think about what dey did.
What do you think will happen to Cassie now that are family has left her?.
Pls don't forget to vote.


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