distractions | mina

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Distractions by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

Mina came home from work to find you in the same exact spot you had left you in earlier that day

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Mina came home from work to find you in the same exact spot you had left you in earlier that day. You were on the couch, legs outstretched to reach the coffee table in front of you, laptop resting near your knees as you typed away tirelessly, eyes not even blinking as Mina walked in.

For hours, you had been working on a research paper that was due soon. You would have had it done weeks ago if it weren't for you procrastinating up until just a few days before the due date, and as a result, you had been researching your topic since before the sun was even up this morning, and by the time Mina came home, you were only  a page and a half into typing the paper.

You wished you didn't procrastinate this entire time, but you had much better things to be doing than writing a ten page paper on something you weren't even interested in, but when it was nearly time to submit the paper, you realized that you had to do it, and now, with only a couple of days left to complete it, with your job and other responsibilities in between, you were in crunch mode.

Mina, knowing it was best not to disturb you, shrugged off her coat and put her bag down before going off to do her own thing- straightening up the kitchen, getting a load of laundry into the washing machine, cleaning the room you shared. Mina was a clean person and hated clutter, so this routine was almost daily for her.

Once she had finished her chores she wandered back into the kitchen and searched the fridge for food. "Have you eaten yet?" She called to you as she scanned each shelf for something to eat for dinner.

"No." You called back, eyes not leaving your laptop. Mina sighed, glancing at the clock to see that it was nearly six in the evening, and neither of you had eaten yet. It was dinner time, she was hungry, and decided that you needed a break from your nonstop work.

"Babe, how about we order some takeout? We can eat and watch that movie you've been wanting to." Mina came up behind the couch and rested her hands on your shoulders, massaging gently in hopes of relieving you of some the stress she knew you were feeling.

However, you only shrugged her off and kept working. "Takeout sounds good, but I don't have time for a movie. Sorry." You mumbled as you switched frantically between tabs on your laptop, searching for more pieces of information to include in the paragraph you were working on. Mina crossed her arms and pouted, but you were too busy to notice. You were too focused on the task at hand, so Mina shuffled through the kitchen looking for the takeout menu, singing softly as she did so.

Once the menu was found and the order was placed, she wound up behind you again, pressing kisses on your head as you worked, and this time, you didn't shrug her off like before. "Babe..." She mumbled, stroking your hair softly, "can't you take a break?"

Either you didn't hear her or chose to ignore her, but regardless, you were silent, moving onto the next page of your research paper with a blank expression. Only eight more pages to go.

Mina gave up on getting your attention again, but only for a little while as she searched for something to do. After decided that she'd take a shower while waiting for dinner to be delivered, she wandered back to you, a smirk on her lips. "Hey, hun, come take a shower with me. You look like you need one." She gestured to your messy, unwashed hair, but you shook your head.

"Can't. I have to finish this, Minari."

Mina pouted again (which went unnoticed, again) and went to go shower, alone, a bit of her hoping you'd give in and come join her.

You didn't.

So Mina finished her shower and changed into her comfy night clothes, wandering back to you once again as she brushed her hair to get rid of the shower knots. You had made progress on your paper, but you still weren't even halfway done.

"Baaaabeeee..." Mina whined again, shaking your shoulders playfully, "just take a fifteen minute break. Dinner will be here soon. We can sit and eat together and-"


Mina exhaled in frustration, still having no success in trying to get you to take a much needed break and spend some time together, so she then proceeded to throw herself across your lap dramatically, arm across her forehead, nearly knocking your laptop off your legs as she did so.

After steadying your laptop, you crossed your arms over your chest and glared down at Mina, who grinned up at you with her signature gummy smile that made your expression soften just the smallest bit. "What, Mina? What do you want?" You sighed, and she giggled in response.

"Pay attention to me." She answered in a super sweet tone, reaching up for your hands, but you slapped them away gently.

"Mina, I have to finish this paper. I can't afford to be distracted right now." You pointed out as you reached for your laptop again, but Mina got to it first, closing it quickly and laying it on the coffee table.

She sat up and poked your nose playfully, which you only glared at in return. "You have a few more days to finish it. Come on, you've been working all day. Take a break. You're stressing yourself out over this." Mina slid into your lap, pressing a swift kiss to your forehead. "Relax for the night."

You glanced over at your laptop, then to Mina, and then back to the laptop. You still had so much work to do, but Mina had a point. Working this much for this long would only stress you out more than you already were, and that wouldn't end well. You closed your eyes and sighed dramatically before muttering "...fine."

Mina gave another gummy smile that caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach, and you kissed her sweetly as thanks for pulling you away from your work.

You two sat there together, with Mina still in your lap, cuddling and whispering about Mina's day at work, enjoying each other's company. Mina was especially happy with the amount of affection you were showing her, kissing her cheeks and nose while your hands slid up and down her sides.

You had just leaned in to kiss her again when the doorbell rang, and Mina leapt up from your lap. "Dinner's here!" She cheered as she scrambled to find her wallet.

Just a minute later the food was paid for and Mina was unpacking the bag, and from your spot on the couch, you looked over at her and grinned. "Hey Mina."

"Yeah?" She hummed in question.

"How about that movie you mentioned?"

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