let me in? | dahyun

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let me in? by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

It had been a long day and all you wanted to do was go back to your dorm room and rest. As you were about to go up the steps to your building, someone stopped you. Her nose was slightly red from being out in the cold and she had dyed orange hair with a kind of goofy smile on her face. She was cute and, by how she was huddled up near the door, definitely a freshman.

"I'm so sorry to bother you," she stuttered, shaking from the cold. "But do you think you could let me in? I live on the 3rd floor but forgot my keycard so I can't get into the building..." You could tell she was a bit embarrassed, but you smiled at her. This had happened to you once or twice before so you knew how she felt.

"Sure, come on."

She jumped excitedly, her smiling widening as she followed you into the dorm. She stretched her arms and let out a sigh of relief, going on and on about how good it felt to be somewhere with a heater.

"How long had you been waiting out there?" You asked, as the two of you made your way to the front desk.

"Since I got out of class at 12...You're the first person who's walked by in a while." You felt really bad for her since it was almost after two. "I would've called my roommate but she went home for the weekend..."

The girl working at the desk asked for your room numbers and the other girl's name so that you could sign her in.

"Kim Dahyun. Room 312."

"Oh!" You said when you heard her room number. "I knew you looked a little familiar! You live across the hall from me." You laughed a little to yourself. "I've seen you singing into your hair brush when you get ready in the morning..."

Dahyun turned red the second you said it and there was a small snicker from the girl behind the desk and she gave you your key card back.

"I...That wasn't me..." Dahyun stuttered. You smiled at her and led her down the hallway towards the elevator.

On the way up, the two of you talked about what you were studying and where you were from. She told you she was trying to decide if she wanted to be a photography major and that her roommate was an art major. She was a sweet girl and really interesting so you were smiling the whole time you talked to her.

"Will you be able to get into your room?" You asked her when you reached her door.

"Yeah, don't worry about that," Dahyun smiled. "I just needed help getting past the front desk. Thanks, by the way. I would've turned into a penguin if I'd had to stay out there much longer."

She did a cute little penguin shuffle which made you laugh. "It was no problem. I'll see you around?"


Dahyun backed her way across the hall towards her door, running her back into the wall and laughing loudly before ducking into her room.

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