courage | tzuyu

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For the longest time, you were never sure how Tzuyu wound up in Slytherin so easily

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For the longest time, you were never sure how Tzuyu wound up in Slytherin so easily.

You remember her being sorted on your very first day at Hogwarts- the Sorting Hat had barely touched her head before it shouted "Slytherin!", leaving the Great Hall echoing with the cheers of Slytherin house as their newest housemate joined their table, all while the other houses groaned in annoyance.

It didn't take you very long to start to wonder why the Sorting Hat didn't hesitate the slightest bit- you had learned early on that Tzuyu didn't have many qualities of a Slytherin- she was incredibly intelligent and creative, much like a Ravenclaw, as seen on multiple occasions in the Charms class you two had together (you always watched in admiration as Tzuyu excelled at every spell your professor taught, giggling with her friends as she turned her owl into a goblet with a flawless flick of her wand). She aced all of her OWL's with flying colors as the years progressed, and sometimes you had to admit you were a bit envious of her intelligence.

Tzuyu also held the same level of courage and recklessness as her Gryffindor peers, which was evident on your sixth day of school, when you witnessed Tzuyu tackle a third years rogue Monster Book of Monsters that had been tearing down the hall after a professor (Slytherin house earned twenty points for her act of bravery). Not three weeks later, she had joined the Slytherin Quidditch team as their youngest seeker. She had become well known for her daring leaps at the Golden Snitch, quite literally throwing herself off her broom in an effort to catch the tricky game winner (lucky for her, her teammates were always there to catch her).

It wasn't a secret that Tzuyu was also the most Hufflepuff-like Slytherin to exist- while her entire house was loyal to each other, she was also fiercely loyal to her friends of other houses (she had grown to be exceptionally close with Dahyun and Jihyo, two older Gryffindor students who swore they were practically raising Tzuyu as their child, despite the mere two year difference between her and Jihyo). She was also incredibly humble, and patient, and even started tutoring in her third year.

Tzuyu was intelligent, unwaveringly brave, and selfless.

What traits of a Slytherin did she possess to land her in the most stereotypically unpopular House at Hogwarts?

You had never actually spoken to Tzuyu until your sixth year at Hogwarts. You had always admired her from a distance- you admired her skills in magic, Quidditch, and later on, her beauty that made her stand out much more than the others. She had a powerful, but elegant aura about her that drew everyone to her, including you.

You two had wound up as partners in your sixth year potions class- your professor had paired you together solely because he didn't want anyone to be partners with their friends (he thought it was going to keep you all from getting work done).

When Tzuyu nudged your arm with her elbow during the lecture your professor had insisted on giving before your first potions lab, you nearly leapt out of your seat in surprise.

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