last thoughts | jeongyeon

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last thoughts by girls-love-girls1200 on tumblr

"Last night was..."

Jeongyeon's bare legs tangled with your own, a blush making it's way to her sleepy face.


The word escaped your mouth unintentionally, a laugh making its way out of Jeongyeon, her chest rising and falling underneath your head.

"Yeah it really was."

Delicate fingers traced an imaginary pattern across your exposed back.

You reveled in the morning sunlight, eyes focusing on the magical specs of dust floating in front of the large window.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything, but isn't your cultural anthropology test tomorrow?"

A loud groan left your body at the words, the mood being absolutely ruined by the dreadful reminder.

You sat up, holding the soft sheets to your bare chest, eyes focused on the ceiling fan,

"Why did I ever decide to take this stupid class in the first place?"

Another sigh.

"It's like I'm looking for an emotional breakdown."

A low chuckle left Jeongyeon as she sat up as well, placing a soft kiss on the back of your neck,

"Shut up Y/N, the whole world knows you actually love that class, now get studying and I'll keep you company if I'm feeling kind enough."

You leaned into her body, head tilting back as she pressed another feathery kiss to your neck.

"I hate you."

You gasped in surprise as she jumped off the bed, back hitting the mattress, Jeongyeon threw one of her shirts at your face and a pair of clean underwear landed on your lap.

"Get studying loser, I'll be watching something on Netflix if you need me."

And so the hours passed, your head buried in books and notes,

A random series Jeongyeon had put on buzzing in the background.

She checked up on you every once in a while, bringing you something to eat, softly massaging your back and neck or even to show you memes.

Just to make sure you took a little break, knowing all to well what extreme stress felt like, she'd be dammed if she let you arrive to the point of breaking down.

So when the sun went to rest for the night she laid down next you on the soft sheets, head resting on your lap, your fingers immediately making their way through her blonde mop of hair.

In a matter of seconds sleep took over her body, the last thought going through her mind being centered around the one girl she would stand by through any hardship life would throw.

The one person she wanted to fall asleep next to every night, and wake up with every morning.

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