breathe | sana

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Breathe by itsmomorin on tumblr

Hunching over your desk that was filled with lab reports, textbooks, workbooks, and notes, you grew more and more restless

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Hunching over your desk that was filled with lab reports, textbooks, workbooks, and notes, you grew more and more restless. The brightness of the light from your nearby lamp seemed to wane and weaken along with your spirits. Even with numbers, equations, information, facts, and ideas all swirling around in your head, you were determined to continue your strenuous studying plan. Winter break was almost here, which meant that finals were also almost here as well. You've done well to keep your grades high up until now, which only fueled your determination to study harder. No gossip could distract you, no parties could interrupt you. Absolutely nothing stood in your way of achieving that perfect grade. Well, almost nothing.

Noticing your deep and heavy sighs of exasperation, Sana silently observed you from the doorway. She wore an expression that was filled with concern, and she felt as much pressure as you felt, if not, even more. To help you study, she promised that she would try to keep herself away from you for the time being, so that you could focus completely on academics. She knew how important this was to you, yet she couldn't bear to see you like this. Without noticing herself, she bit her lip just watching you study in agony. Enough was enough, she couldn't take it anymore. Walking over slowly, she wrapped her arms around your neck and rested her head on your right shoulder from behind. Your mind was finally cleared for a brief moment.

"Sana... I thought we went over this..." You softly whispered into her ear.

Sana shook her head vigorously and tightened her hold around you.

"Can't you take a quick break? You've been studying extremely hard for days now." Sana replied with sadness.

You grabbed Sana's warm hands with your own, and turned to face her. Sliding out a second chair, Sana sat down beside you.

"Hmm... maybe you're right, I'm sorry for worrying you for the past few days and I've been neglecting you, haven't I?" You stated with a small smile.

Sana looked you in the eyes, squeezed your hands, and gave you a sweet smile.

"No, of course not, I know that you need this, and I promised that I wouldn't get in your way... it's just that... whenever you hurt, I hurt too."

She brought one of her hands up to caress your cheek.

"Let's go take a walk outside, the weather is still mild, and it still hasn't snowed yet. Some fresh air will help you clear your head!" Sana continued, this time, with a cheery tone.

You smiled in response, and nodded to agree. Sana had spent a lot of time with you, and you felt indebted to her for her support. With a part time job on the side to pay for living expenses, and taking extra lessons outside of classes to ensure your grades, you felt sorry towards Sana because you couldn't spend a lot of time with her. However, you promised to take her out as soon as exams were over.

Buttoning up your long trench coat, you passed Sana's mittens to her as she was putting on her scarf. Daylight hours were shrinking, and the sky had already began to darken by the time you and Sana had left the comfort of home. The air was bitter, rigid, and freezing, thus you stuck your hands into the pockets of your coat to keep warm. Sana noticing that you were cold, wrapped her arms around your left arm. You and Sana exchanged smiles and continued down the path into the park. Since snow hadn't arrived yet, the scenery was barren with naked trees, and frost tipped the dead grass that was on the ground. None of this mattered however, since Sana was right by your side.

"Brrr... it's pretty chilly today, isn't it?" You asked as you placed your hands in your armpits.
"Yeah, I'm surprised that snow hasn't arrived yet. I hope it comes soon, I like snow. It's so elegant, beautiful, and soft looking." Sana replied as she took off one of her mittens and handed it to you.

You took her mitten and wore it on your right hand, and with your left hand, you tightly grasped Sana's right hand. Just then, a single white snowflake drifted down from the sky. Another followed, and soon there were a countless number of them falling down from the sky.

"Sana, look up."
"Hm? Oh, I can't believe it... See? I told you we should've came out for a walk today."
"You're right, you're right."

Sana giggled and stuck her tongue out to catch snowflakes. You watched as she enjoyed the taste of the first snowfall of the season. Then Sana suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"I think I forgot to bring something... Uhm, wait here. I'll be really quick, okay?" Sana slowly said.
"Alright, are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" You asked.
"No, what if you get glued to your desk again? Then this would've all been for nothing!"
"Okay fine, go, hurry!" You pestered.

Sana gave you a cute smile as she started heading back. You decided to sit down on one of the nearby benches while you waited for Sana to return. Soon, the snow would blanket everything, and winter would finally be here. You breathed in the fresh air as you took in the scenery. The snow was falling surprisingly quickly, it seemed eager to invite itself to the world, almost like it was compensating for the fact that it was late this year.


Your head jolted forwards as you felt a small yet irresistibly cold pain from the back of the head. You turned around quickly to see what had happened. Sana was standing in the trees, laughing loudly at you. The back of your head was wet, and looking below, you saw the shape of a small snowball, splattered on the ground.

"Oh... now you're gonna get it..." You said under your breath.

You got up quickly and started to gather what little snow had already fallen to the ground. Seeing this, Sana began to do so as well. You finished creating your snowball first and started chasing down Sana. She started running away, using the trees as a temporary cover until she had completed her own snowball. You finally got a good angle on Sana, but by now, she had finished making her own snowball. The two of you stood, like a standoff from an old western movie. Looking each other in the eyes, you tried to anticipate each other's movements and actions. Finally, Sana was the one to start on the offense, she faked a throw then quickly ran around to flank you. You didn't flinch and followed her movements closely as you braced yourself for another snowball incoming your way. Sana threw with precision as you barely managed to dodge it. It was your turn now, and using Sana's strategy against her, you managed to make her flinch from the fake. You bolted forwards towards her while she was caught off guard. You were just about to throw the snowball at point blank range but then Sana turned around to face you and knocked the snowball out of your hand.

"Wow, that's not fair, you got a free shot on me, I should-" You argued, but got interrupted by Sana. She lightly pecked you on your lips to stop you from arguing.
"There, now we're even."
"Uh... I don't think so." You mischievously said.  
You quickly dumped what little snow remained in your hand all over Sana.
"Hey! That's freezing!" She yelled as she twirled around frantically. 
"Now... we're even."

Sana pouted a little at you before walking over back slowly towards you. You were still laughing at Sana, and then you noticed that her right hand was covered with bits of snow. You finally stopped laughing at her, and interlaced your left hand with her right hand. And although both of your hands were freezing from the snow, both of your hearts were burning with affection. She broke out a cheery little smile. By now, the sky was dark, and only the path was illuminated with lights that served as guidance. Looking up, the stars were also out as the clouds cleared away quickly. You were glad that Sana had taken you out here for a break, and so you embraced her tightly.

"Hey Sana?" You whispered.
"Yes?" She whispered back.
"Never leave me alone."

You could hear Sana give a peaceful little sigh as she rested her head on your chest.

"Of course I won't, how can I?"

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