falling for you | sana

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falling for you by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

(sorry for no updates this past week and a half. i've been resting and spending christmas with my family.)

You were absolutely head over heels for Sana the moment you laid eyes on her. Who wouldn't be? She was beautiful, with her long, milk chocolate hair that fell in thick, wavy locks over her shoulders, her warm eyes, and the prettiest smile you would ever come to know. To say you were smitten was an understatement. You never believed in love at first sight, but the way your heart skipped a beat when your eyes first met hers, a warm feeling filling your chest, you knew you had fallen for her.

Sana was oblivious, of course, no matter how many times you complimented her or brought her coffee at work, your smile shy but bright every time you saw her. She saw it as a friendly gesture (which, of course, it was) and nothing more, leaving you every day with the fear that she'd never be interested in you.

You had asked Sana to hang out a few times, all of which she agreed to, and had a great time. She was fun to be around, and had a warm aura about her that only drew you in even more. You two spent hours walking around the neighborhood, playing in the park, or just hanging around in your apartment, watching movies while eating takeout.

Weeks, months past and your feelings were always the same, your romantic affection never once dwindling. While you feared you'd never catch Sana's attention quite like she caught yours, you still valued her friendship, despite it only causing you to fall harder and harder for her with each passing day.

It was as if you had been blessed with a miracle one week, when you had invited Sana to hang out at your place for the third time that week, which she agreed to with no hesitation. You two had been goofing off, as usual, playfully nudging each other each time you passed her coming out of the kitchen with dinner, and it wasn't until Sana shoved you with a mischievous grin on her face, that you decided to stick your leg out as she passed to get a glass of water.

Any other person would have been able to recover from it. But not Sana, of course. Poor, clumsy Sana, with a dramatic display of flailing arms, fell to the ground the moment her leg collided with yours.

You felt immediate regret the second Sana landed on the floor with a thud, and with a few mumbled "oh my god I'm so sorry"'s, you took her arms and began to pull her up from the ground, your face bright red with embarrassment and shame. Her eyes came to be level with yours as you lifted her up, and the moment her warm chocolate eyes met yours, she knew she had fallen for you too.

"Happy anniversary, cutie."

Sana arrived at your place bright and early, waking you up at an ungodly hour, in her pajamas, with a cake in her hands and a smile on her face. She had baked it herself, which was an amazing feat, which made your heart do a backflip. Or three.

You had turned on the TV as Sana carried two plates with cake to the couch, and your morning was spent cuddling with her, eating sweet, sugary cake for breakfast, and you couldn't help but smile widely at how everything had turned out for the two of you.

"You know," you mumbled through a particularly big piece of cake, crumbs flying as you spoke, which made Sana giggle- and oh god, it was music to your ears-, "I still can't believe you actually fell for me, after so long of trying to win you over."

Sana snorted. "I didn't fall for you. You tripped me."

"Yeah. Best decision of my life."

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