make a wish | chaeyoung

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Make a Wish by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

You had never expected to hear someone knocking on your front door at almost three in the morning

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You had never expected to hear someone knocking on your front door at almost three in the morning. You also never expecting it to be Chaeyoung, of all people, but yet here you were, standing in your doorway, makeupless, hair tossed about messily, in your pajamas, squinting questioningly at your best friend, who looked bright eyed and bushy tailed at this ungodly hour.

"Chaeng?" You groaned, already missing your bed dearly, even if you had only been out of it for not even a minute, "why the f-"

"Come with me, I want to show you something." She said, tugging at your arm, as if you were totally, completely willing to leave right now, in your hot pink pajama pants that could probably be seen for miles, "like, right now."

It really didn't actually take much convincing for you to agree (although, you did at least change out of those pajamas for the sake of your own image), and for six blocks, you and Chaeyoung walked in the middle of the street, kicking a rock between the two of you, where not one car passed in the dead of night. It was peaceful- the only sounds there were came from the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the rock you and Chaeng so desperately tried to keep in front of you. It was relaxing- no words needed to be exchanged between the two of you (aside from the occasional "Son Chaeyoung, where are we going", which Chaeng shut down each time).

"We're here!" Chaeyoung cheered, a little too loudly given the time of night, and ran forward, right to the entrance of-

"The park?" You questioned, crossing your arms across your chest and burying yourself deeper within your hoodie as a gust of wind blew threw, "Chaeng, why are we here now? Couldn't we have come during the day?"

Chaeyoung shook her head as she lead you to the center of the park. "Nope," She said simply, giving you no further explanation, leaving you to follow behind with a frown, deciding to not bother with any more questions, since Chaeyoung wouldn't answer a single one of them.

The center of the park, where you two wound up, was nothing spectacular- it was just a grassy opening with a fountain set in the middle, that appeared far too old to still be standing, yet remained decently sturdy throughout the years you came to the park to play. Flowers grew in scarce amounts, and most wound up trampled by the rambunctious kids that ran around, but the ones that still stood looked pretty in the moonlight.

Chaeyoung, who finally stopped walking, inspected the ground below her, before taking a seat, resting her arms on her knees, and not three seconds later, instead reclined completely, sprawled out on the grass, her eyes gazing up at the sky above. "Come here and lay down." She called to you, and you did as she said- not because you were intimidated by how she would react if you didn't listen, but rather because you were absolutely whipped for her.

"The sky is real pretty and all, Chaeng, but why are we here?" You asked yet again, and this time, Chaeyoung graced you with an answer.

"Well," She began, turning to lay on her side to face you, "first of all, the sky is super clear so the stars look great," She turned to lay back down, her focus back on the sky, "and second, there's a meteor shower tonight and I wanted to watch it with you."

"Aw, Chaeng, you little romantic, you."

"Don't be an ass."

The two of you laid side by side, shoulders just barely touching, staring at the brilliant view above you, appreciating what beauty the night brought, not even caring what time it was at that point, when a shooting star zoomed across your view, as if some higher being took a paint brush and swiped it across the sky. Both you and Chaeyoung gasped, followed by an excited squeal on Chaeyoung's end.

"Quick, you have to make a wish!" She exclaimed as she shut her eyes and clasped her hands together, so you did the same thing, just for a second or two, before you opened your eyes again to see Chaeyoung glancing over at you, her eyes darting away as soon as you noticed.

You knew it was time to go home when the first sight of morning light peeked over the tall trees that surrounded the park. "Is it that time already?" You groaned, forcing yourself to sit up. The lack of sleep had just started to hit you once again, and apparently Chaeyoung as well, who appeared to have dozed off at some point. "Chaeng, wake up. Time to go back. You can sleep at my house if you want."

A few aggravated groans and a few aggressive curses later, Chaeyoung stood to her feet and shuffled next to you as you two left the park, both of you rubbing your eyes sleepily as the sun rose higher in the sky. People had just started leaving for work, so cars began to pile the streets the two of you wandered in just a few hours earlier. "Stay on the sidewalk," you mumbled to Chaeyoung, who nodded as the oncoming traffic moved at a quicker pace.

The two of you, in your dazed, exhausted state, trudged on, up the six blocks back to your house, side by side, your hands brushing up against each other every now and then due to the close proximity.

"Are you trying to hold my hand?" Chaeyoung laughed weakly, after your hands collided for the fourth time.

You blushed. "Ew, please. That's ridiculous."

"I don't think so."

The next time your hand came close to Chaeyoung's, she snatched it up in her own, her fingers intertwining with yours quickly, and you were shocked at her sudden boldness despite her exhausted state. She seemed to be shocked at her own daring move as well, her eyes glued to her feet, a blush rising up her cheeks, but she didn't let go of you.

As you walked, you thought about the wish you had made for the shooting star, and you realized that maybe, just maybe, this was the start of it coming true.

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