forever matching | jihyo

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forever matching by queen-girl-kpop-reactions

You and Jihyo were cuddling on the couch just talking about random stuff then the conversation came to tattoos and how you both always wanted to get one. When Jihyo looks at you and smiles "Y/n why don't we get matching tattoos of each others names" Jihyo said

You shocked at first that she had said that and was so sure about it but then thought about it and thought it was a good idea and you guys started to talk about all the details about the font, color and where to get it

" I think we should get it on our left ring finger and just keep the tattoo simple then going all out" You say looking at Jihyo

"Ya I agree that we should get it there and that we should keep simple and not go all out also when should we go to get them" Jihyo said

"I feel like we should talk about it a little bit more so we should wait a week before we we get it" You said looking at Jihyo and nods her head that she agrees with you

*Time Skip a week*

You and Jihyo just got to the tattoo place You both were a little nervous sense this is the first time both of you ever have gotten a tattoo. You both walked in and started to talk to the person there They were asking were do you want it the design the color and all this other stuff after that was done you guys deiced that you would be the first one to get the tattoo.

*Time Skip*

You both walked out saying thank you to the person who did the tattoos while you guys were walking to a restaurant you and Jihyo kept looking at the tattoos and smiling

"I'm glad that we got those tattoos" You and Jihyo say say at the same time You both look at each other and laugh Jihyo looks at you and smiles while grabbing your hand looking at the tattoo and smiles 

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