college | momo

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college by warmau on tumblr

major: photography / concentration: commercial
minor: dropped her dance minor because she realized she liked her own style way more than taking classes on it,,,
sports: urban dance team
clubs: cooking club (except she doesn't cook she just tastes everyone else is making), reviews restaurants with jeongyeon for the campus blog, and sometimes gets asked by dance minors for help which shocks her because she's like "how do you guys know i dance,,," and they're like "we see all of nayeons snapchats of you!!!!" and momo is like,,,,,,,,,,,clueless
ever since she was really young everyone assumed momo was going to pursue her career in dance,,,, she's just always been so good at it and loved with a passion that people were like you hAVE to major in dance or theater,,,, be a PERFORMERbut momo,,,,,was hesitant with it because as much as she adores it,,, something about making it her chief discipline,,, took out the fun in itso when she entered college and chose photography everyone was like ??? because since when did she like taking photosor doing anything aside from laying upside down from her bed watching dramas or being in a practice studio,,,,,,,but momo's simple answer was "food""what about,,,,,,,food?"
"i want,,,,,,,to take photos of food."
which im not kidding, is an actual career like who do you think takes those videos for mcdonalds or those nice pics for restaurant menus like this is a lEGITMATE business and momo is like "i heard sometimes you can eat the food after,,,,,,,if it isn't fake : )"jihyo: oh that's why you want to do it, to eat rightmomo:,,,,,,,,,,,momo: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yesshe tried doing rookie shots of jeongyeon's cooking or her sisters and ,,, the photos didn't turn out half bad so she decided it'd be something she could see herself doingplus it would still give her time to practice dance for her own leisure,,,,,,to be honest,,,college was a bit of challenge for her - momo isn't the most schoolwork motivated and she has habits of slipping into her hobbies more than her schoolworkcue: moms jihyo and jeongyeon reminding her that she has finals and projects dueand momo crying over the prerequisite biology coursebut hey,,,,,she has a dream and she wants to be able to follow it (and make money,,,,as all college students dream of some day LOL)plus,,,,,if anything,,,,,,she makes money on the side tutoring dance and being in small performances set up by friends or dance majors so you know ,,,,,, it isn't like she gave up the thing she really lovesshe's just being realisticbut she does get lost on her way to class like all the time,,, like she's been on campus long enough to know where the buildings are but she zones out and ends up outside of the library and not the art departmentdo you know how many times sana has found her there??? too many to countkeeps getting scouted by different uni sports teams while she's at the gym because she's FIT and has a more grueling workout then some of the dudes on the football teambut the only team she's on is an urban dance one because she's friends with the leader who lets her choreograph parts and it's the only group that lets her ,,,, like?? break the rules??? of what people think dance is aboutbut yeah even though she can sleep for 16 hours straight and eats unhealthy snacks in class,,,,,,she can probably run laps around half the people on campusnayeon calls her ab-god and momo is just like "i can make my abs dance wanna see" and nayeon is like YES im gonna put it on instagram and jeongyeon has to pull momo's shirt down before it can happen because quote on quote, "stop exploiting her for likes nayeon"shares her dorm with jeongyeon's and you can see who lives on which sidebecause one is perfectly clean, with a new-looking monitor on the desk and textbooks staked by class and bed sheets white and crispwhile the other is,,,,,,,mismatched sheets,,,,,,,30248 teddy bears,,,,,,,and a desk that has empty chip bags on it and momo's sweater that she wore a week agowho cuts out photos of pretty food and tapes them to their binders??? momoeveryone in her class is like ,,,,,,,,,,,, oh and she's like "this is a photo of a hotdog. a hotdog,,,,,,i would die for"most definitely sleeps in class when she can LOLyou first see momo on your way to pick up a friend's films from the photography department she's standing outside of the entrance,,,, where you have to swipe an ID to get in looking glum and you wonder if maybe,,,,,,she forgot her ID?you don't want to be weird and just ask her but it's obvious the way she's looking at the machine and the people passing through it's even more obvious when mina walks by, and goes "no ID?" momo pouts as mina swipes herself in and shakes her head "cant help you momorin,,,,,,,,,start using the wallet we gave you!!!"momo sighs,,,mumbling to herself that dropping her money and cards into her huge backpack has always worked before - todays just an unlucky dayyou feel bad and so you walk over and go "h,,,,hey im going to be going inside and i can hand you my ID after i swipe it if you want???"momo's eyes light up,,,,,,,she does a little clap and thanks youyou swipe yourself in and then discreetly hand over your ID to her so she can do it tooonce inside momo grins,,,,,her smile is so cute and she takes your hand to shake it,,,,,thanking you againwith that she rushes off,,,, realizing she's late now for class and you stand there a little bewildered because something tells you she isn't,,,,like a lot of other people is sheyou learn quickly that you're right - she's notbecause the next day as you're leaving the photography department you see momo again and she doesn't have her ID,,,,,,,,,againand you swipe her in and she's all stars in her eyes thanking you!!!! till she goes "oh,,,,,,,,,,,,but i think i forgot my camera in the dorm oh no,,,,,,,i have to go back,,,,,"you watch again, amazed, as she dashes out of the building you try to think of something to say but you just call out "take your ID too!"she does something of a nod,,,,,,disappearing out the doorsthis goes on for a bit,,,,,,,momo seems to never have her ID and you always bump into her at the entrancesometimes a friend or someone else will swipe her in, but for a while it seems like she's looking for youwhen she sees you,,,,,she calls your name,,,,,,,,the smile of hers is really simple - it's not big and brightbut it's, it's got this subtle beauty even a bit of a sleepy beauty,,,something that reminds you of warm blankets and lazy afternoonseven though you've seen her run,,,,,like she's part of the track team and get up and all worried about forgetting anything else before going in,,,,,,,for the most part momo's energy is always dreamyand you,,,,,,you think it's cuteat one point you'd been handing her your ID when a girl,,,,with short hair and a stern expression swatted your arm and went "don't give it, she needs to learn to stop losing her ID!"you had looked at her and momo had frowned "jeongyeon,,,,,,,,they're being nice,,,,,,,,,,,,,"jeongyeon has narrowed her eyes and went "momo told me about you,,,,,,stop swiping her in! she needs to start bringing her ID! doesn't it bother you that she's always here?"your gaze had shifted to momo,,,,,,to be honest nothing about her bothered you in the least,,,,,,,you'd swipe momo in for the rest of your academic career if she wantedbut you didn't even have to say that,,,,,jeongyeon just huffed and went "i see you've been won over - you're hopeless!"turning to momo she'd pinched her roommates nose and went "stop relying on being adorable and start getting organized - we're going to clean our WHOLE dorm till you find your ID"with that jeongyeon had pulled momo out of the building,,,,,,momo had went willingly,,,,but turned and waved to youshyly you'd brought your hand up to wave back,,,,,,,but jeongyeon's words kept rattling in your head'you've been won over - you're hopeless!'
you got stuck thinking about it so long that someone had to ask you to move out of the way so they could get through skfljdabut it's true,,,,,,she really had in some ways,,,,,,won you overa couple of weeks passed by and momo had vanished from her spot near the entrance,,,you were a little upset,,,,,you wouldn't liebut you were happy thinking that she had probably finally gotten her ID back until you saw her again,,,,,,"do you need me to swipe you in?"
momo shakes her head,,,,,the way her hairs up in a messy bun and the oversized hoodie hanging over her frame,,,,,you wanna CRY she's so damn cute"jeongyeon made me get my ID remade,,,,and i haven't lost it because-"
proudly she shows you the lanyard around her neck, from the bottom hangs her ID pass and you look at it,,,,it's pink,,,,,with little dogs on it (see: you'd cry she's so frea K I NG CUTE)"so what's up?"
momo motions to the door with her hand,,,,you give her a confused look but she goes "i wanna take you somewhere i really like,,,,,,do you want to come?"she doesn't tell you the name of where you're going or where it's located, you just follow her as momo takes your hand and excitedly talks to herself about how she's been craving this food for a while,,,,,,,you end up seated in a small family-owned restaurant,,,,momo is on a first name basis with the lady that takes your order and even knows about her kids and husbandmomo seems like she's at home,,,,,not even looking at the menu since she orders her "regular" you try to see if there's anything you'd like but momo urges you to get what she is - she promises you're going to love it!!!!!! and you've never seen her so animated and excited about somethingher usual daydreamy like expression turns vibrantand she tells you that this place is her favorite,,,,she's been coming here since she was a kid and you're like,,,,,,,,still not sure why she's taken you here and what this is like is this a thank you for you helping her swipe in all those times?? is this just new friends hanging out???? is this a date,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the idea makes your heart do a ! and you're not sure how to calm yourself downbut momo is thankfully distracted because when the food comes out,,,,,,it's like a whole new person is in the room with youand you reach over but momo is like "wait! let me take a photo!"she takes her camera out,,,,,not her phone,,,,and you're like "should i pos-"but she instead starts snapping pics of the food, admiring it and smiling to herself and she's like "oh! we should take one too!"you flush bright pink as she moves over to sit beside youshe's squished up against your arm,,,,,the smell of strawberry scented shampoo and her pretty profile up close is enough to send you into a mini heart attackbut momo just comfortably throws up the peace sign and giggles for you to do it toothe food,,,,,,like momo said,,,,,,, is exceptionally good!!! you and momo don't talk, both totally immersed in the flavorbut once you're done,,,,,finishing what is a serving for four people,,,,,,you go "thanks for taking me here! i never knew this place existed!"momo nods, patting her stomach "i only show it to people who i like"those words make you freeze,,,,,,like,,,,,,,,,what kind of like,,,,,,you're so confused,,,,,,,momo's ability to say things like that with no change in expression makes your head spin because what??????? does?????? this???? all???? mean???momo suddenly gets up to pay and you try to get some bills from your wallet but she's just like "you don't have to, ive racked up points!"confused you look at her pull a card from her pocket, the name of the restaurant and holes punched all throught it except for the message that says 'come 10 times and get a free meal!'you gwack and momo hands it to the lady from before who asks "do you want another one?" momo just smiles in obvious responseand when you two are back on the train to campus,,,,,you practically jump from your skin when momo softly lays her head on your shoulder and falls asleepher mouth open in just the slightest and her hand tightly holding yours,,,,,,you feel even more nervous when you guys are standing together in front of the dorms,,,,,,momo isn't say anythingand you're so worried you did something wrong that you're trying to come up with an apology in your head when momo just goes"we should ,,,,,,, do this again"
you nod,,,,almost too fast,,,,,,,your excitement makes you embarrassed but momo just seems to find it cutethen she takes a step closer and adds "if you ,,,,, want we should also ,,,"her hands come up to hold your face,,, your eyes dart back and forth and you feel your heart spin but you close your eyes and momo kisses you ever so gently,,,,,,the same sensation of when a snowflake falls on your skinbut it makes your whole body tingle because,,,,,she did it,,,,,,she kissed youand oh god you don't want to do anything else for the rest of your life but kiss hirai momo,,,,,,,,,you say your goodnights and you go home on cloud nine,,,,,,momo falls face first into her bed and jeongyeon is about to tell her to at least take of her shoes firstwhen momo turns her head, smiling and goes "jeongyeon,,,,,,i found someone i like,,,,,,,,,,as much as i like food,,,,,,,,"jeongyeon almost doesn't believe it LOLthe first act of dating momo is you two swipe yourselves into the photography department while holding hands and it's so c*rny,,,,,,yet sweetwell i mean jihyo finds it sweet and nayeon says it's corny but you know whateveryou actually get you and momo matching lanyards to wear for your IDs and you're too shy to give it to her but when she finds them hanging on the wall of your dormshe grasps them and is like !!!!!!! cute !!!!! you got one with peaches on it because momo told you that's what her name means and you didn't say that either,,,,,,but momo somehow just Knewmomo is the comfortable college gf meaning she loves wearing baggy jeans, big t-shirts, uni sweaters, and sneakersbut sometimes when she has a dance competition to go to or sana makes her go shopping with heryou get to see momo in cute shorts or dresses and wow ok,,,,like i know we established how adorable she is but momo is hot,,,,,,and you're like oh my,,,,,,,,,,,god and everyone is like "don't drool" and you're like excuse me but my gf is killing me????? do you see how good she looks??????but to momo it doesn't really matter what she wears, she's fine showing up to get cereal with you in the campus dinning hall at 3 pm in her goofy pajamas like she'll do itbut no matter what she always has that,,,,,strawberry scented shampoo,,,,,and this laid back aura that makes you feel that spinning heart feeling anytime you see heryou get to see momo's photography and she's pretty good,,,,,she's definitely more careful with product photography then she is with like taking photos of peoplesee: all her pics of food for her portfolio are amazing, top qualityyou ask her to take one photo of you and it's a blurry nightmarematching coffee mugs over matching phone casesshe unapologetically eats off your plate if you're eating,,,,,,like even if you're just unwrapping some gum she'll break half the stick off but you don't mind,,,,,tbh you start carrying snacks with you because you know momo's going to eat like half of yours LOLwhen you first see her dance,,,,,you can't even believe it's her,,,,,,,the same girl who just kissed you on the corner of the lips because she missed your mouth because she was still sleepy,,,,,,looks like the most fierce girl on stageyou know everyone else in the group is doing good,,,but you can't look away from momo,,,,,,her impact is TOO strong and afterword, sweaty and being flocked by people complimenting her - momo finds you in the crowd and sluggishly falls into your arms for a hug"you did amazing, i never knew you were that good!"
she rubs her face into your neck and just goes "im hungry,,,,,,"that's momo as a gf for you; affectionate and hungry aksdlskjgbut really,,,being with her is so chill and you get worried because you want to do more for her, take her somewhere fancy or get her something expensive because she means a lot to youbut momo is totally fine with cuddling and a movie,,,,,,,,+ three different types of popcornand she just wants to kiss your face and not get up from the couch also she never fails to amaze you because you once went to a dog cafe because you thought momo would have fun since she loves animals and cafe snacksand an hour later, with a big dog sitting in her lap momo turns to you with a big smile and goes"im actually allergic to them"
you almost yELL because oh GOD WHAT but she's like not deathly!! she tries to hug the dog again but you're like um excuse me let me get my gf out of her before she sneezes herself into a coma or something oh godstudying with momo consists of you quizzing her on stuff and giving her candy if she gets it right but every once in a while she just pushes the flash cards from your hands and asks to get all mushy insteadand you can't resist her at alljeongyeon is like "you're wearing momo-colored glasses, all you ever see is her" and you're like,,,,,,,yep,,,,,you right,,,,,,,,,i love her so muchyou and momo looooove just laying out in a park after an exhausting week of school and work and everyone else and you guys share headphones and listen to a playlist you madeand there's a song that goes 'you are my peach, your are my plum' and everytime it plays momo wiggles closer to you and mumbles that it's your song,,,,,,,,because she's your peach,,,,,and you're her plum and ok is it the cutest thing ever? yeah. yeah it ismomo getting you to come to the gym with her and you're like ,,,,, cant we just be slOBS together and go get some cheetos,,,,,,,but momo is like it's fun!! and you're like idgi how can you like exercising but also not moving for 24 hours straight dahyun: it's her talent, the duality of les momoyou guys eskimo kiss and momo tickles you with the ends of her hair and it's so damn soft,,,,,,,momo is a horrible texter but it's ok because she makes up for it by just sending the same heart emoji over and over again and then randomly you'll get a selfie from her that makes you want to frame it and put it up in the moma she's so damn gorgeousshe's also the type of girlfriend to point to two cute animals cuddling and be like "us"but also point to french fries stuck together and be like " U!!S!!!!!" you catch her dancing to herself and forgetting she's in a library full of students and just so people stop staring at only her you start trying to dance along with her and ,,,ok you love her so much and momo loves you ok she probably just blankly stares at you for 30 minutes before going "you're pretty" and then passing out on top of her textbook

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