chilly | mina

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Chilly by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

Chilly by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

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"So... how long do you think it'll be 'til we get down from here?"

When you had first asked Mina to go to the fair with you, getting stuck at the top of the ferris wheel wasn't what you were expecting. And yet, here you were, several hundred feet off the ground, feet dangling and swaying with the wind as your hands rested on the lap bar that kept you from falling off. Mina was next to you, trying her best to look anywhere but down, eyes eventually settling on the beautiful nighttime view of the city some distance away.

"I dunno," you said, eyes settling on Mina, finding it unreal how someone could look so damn pretty just sitting there, "I'm sure the staff is working on getting us down as we speak. Shouldn't be up here for too long."

Mina merely hummed in response as she continued gazing at the city lights, and you continued gazing at her, drinking in the sight of her flawless beauty- the way her windblown hair fell messily over her shoulders, her pink cheeks and nose from the nighttime chill, and the way the ferris wheel lights made her eyes sparkle. Mina was easily the most beautiful girl you had ever laid your eyes upon.

Up until this point, everything had been going swimmingly. The local fair had opened up for the fall season just a few weeks before, and the brilliant thought crossed your mind to take Mina out to have some fun together- get some cotton candy, play some games, and go on some rides until the fair closed for the night. What you had in mind was pretty straightforward, and definitely didn't include getting stuck on the ferris wheel for going on ten minutes now.

Of course, you didn't mind the view up here- and no, you weren't talking about the city lights of the fair below you.

Mina seemed to finally notice your gaze on her, and turned to face you with a small smirk, to which you turned away from with a blush rising up into your cheeks.

As the two of you sat in comfortable silence, you thought about how strange of a concept it was for you to be here, with Mina- your crush since God knows how long- on a date type... thing. It took a lot of time and a large number of mental pep talks to find the courage to ask her to hang out, but you didn't quite have enough courage to refer to it as a "date". Nevertheless, here you two were, in a strange-but-not-necessarily-horrible situation, together.

The thought of admitting your crush to her crossed your mind. It seemed like a good time, at least, given the fact that you two were completely alone, where no one could interrupt you or embarrass you (except yourself, that is, in which case the staff might as well release the lap bar and let you willingly fall off the ferris wheel to save yourself from ever having to face Mina again), and it was a cute(ish) setting to do so. Wasn't it popular or romantic to confess on ferris wheels or something?


Minutes passed and with every breath you took, it felt as though the air was getting colder and colder- it probably was, given the time of night. You slipped your hands into your sleeves to keep warm, and Mina followed your action shortly after, tucking her chin further into the collar of her jacket.

"Are you cold?" You asked, eyeing Mina carefully. Without waiting for an answer, you scooted closer to her on the ferris wheel chair, gently placing your arm over her shoulders to warm her up a bit. Mina leaned in to you, giving a small, thankful smile as she did so.

"Well, this kinda sucks." She commented quietly after you two had officially been stuck on the ferris wheel for damn near thirty minutes. "Not the date. The, you know, being stuck part."

Your heart skipped a beat at the word "date".

"Yeah, but I'm glad I'm with you, at least..."

Mina laughed, nudging you gently with the elbow that was tucked against your side. "God, that sounded corny." She said, and you blushed out of embarrassment, but before you could protest and defend yourself, Mina gave you a small peck on the cheek.

You made a face at her, eyes wide, leaning away slightly. "What was that for?" You asked, pointing to your cheek, blushing even harder than when she had said you sounded corny.

Mina shrugged. "For making this not so miserable, I guess."

"Well, I try."

Mina chuckled, leaning in a bit closer to you, her head tucked under your chin comfortably as the two of you sat together, enjoying each other's warmth and quiet company.

"This is nice. Being here with you. It's so... comforting. I like spending time with you like this." Mina said, almost dreamily, exhaling softly as her eyes once again settled on the faraway city lights.

"I like this too. I like you.."

Mina was silent, and you half wished you didn't say anything, but your heart saw this as an opportunity, and you took it. It may have come across as a bit awkward, but you did what you could with the opening you were given.

Of course, now would be a bad time for her to say she didn't feel the same way, and then you'd be stuck on top of the ferris wheel with someone who just rejected you, and that would be some next level awkward that would leave you embarrassed for the next two years.

"Good." Mina said simply after a few moments passed, taking your hand in hers. "I think I kinda like you too." You let out a small sigh of relief, which Mina couldn't help but giggle at. "Were you nervous I'd say something different?" She asked you, a playful smile dancing across her lips. She was relentless with teasing, it seemed.


Without warning, Mina pecked you on the cheek again. "Well, you shouldn't have been," She said softly, lacing her cold fingers through yours. "Of course I like you."

You were just about to work up the courage to kiss her back when the ferris wheel lurched forward, finally moving again. You and Mina both yelped at the sudden movement, which was followed shortly after by cheers and laughter from not only you, but the other people stuck on the ferris wheel as well.

"It's about time!" You laughed, hugging Mina close. You swung your feet excitedly as you neared the ground, wanting nothing more than to stand on solid floor once again, after spending all that time in the air. "Do you maybe wanna go to a diner after this? Get some coffee..?" You asked with a sudden burst of confidence, your smile wide and eyes sparkling in the light of the fair below you.

Mina smirked. "A second date? So soon?" She teased, and you smacked her on the shoulder playfully. "I'd be delighted."

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