collision | dahyun

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Collision by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

You didn't have to be friends with Dahyun to know that she was easily one of the most warmhearted people on the planet, and most certainly in your school

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You didn't have to be friends with Dahyun to know that she was easily one of the most warmhearted people on the planet, and most certainly in your school. No matter where she was or who she was with, she always made people laugh and enjoy their day, whether it was with jokes or kind gestures that moved many. She was a sweetheart, a good soul, and overall just a quality human being.

You didn't have classes with Dahyun, but you had run into her a few times- literally. The first time you ran into each other was at the very start of the school year, when you had been rushing to find your classroom after misreading your schedule. You were late on the first day, which would not make a good impression on your teacher, so you picked up the pace and fell into a slow jog, down the hallway, and into the stairwell. Coincidentally, Dahyun had been exiting the stairwell as you entered, and wham, your shoulders collided as you tried to pass. The books you had been holding fell to the floor, papers strewn about on the cold tile floor of the hallway.

"Oh man, sorry about that!" Dahyun had said, a hand covering her mouth. She looked cute that day- her red hair was tied up in a bun and her eyes were warm and welcoming. "Let me help!"

Dahyun made quick work of gathering your papers from the floor, and with a smile she pressed them into your hands before stumbling off. "Sorry again!" She called as she turned the corner of the hallway, and you were left staring in her direction before realizing you were still late. With a shake of your head, you ran down the stairs to find your class.

You didn't see Dahyun again until a few days later. She was with her friends, walking down the hallway with a cheesy grin on her face as she waved to people she knew, but she didn't wave to you. She didn't even notice you, it seemed.

You ran into her again just a few weeks later, after school one day. The usual swarm of kids poured out of the building at the end of the school day, heading towards the buses to go home, and you moved with them, desperate to get home after a long day of boring old school.

However, as you moved with the crowd, Dahyun moved against it, shouting a number of "'Scuse me! I forgot something!"'s as she tried to push her way through the crowd. Unfortunately, you hadn't been looking forward, and instead was looking at your phone, and before you knew it, you had slammed into Dahyun head on, and she wound up knocked to the floor.

"I'm sorry!" You cried as you held out your hand to help Dahyun up. "I should have been looking where I was going!"

Dahyun took your hand and stood, brushing off her clothes quickly before taking a look at you. "You again!" She joked, grinning ear to ear. "It's okay, you didn't hurt me or anything. Gotta go though, but thanks for helping me up!" And as quickly as she appeared, Dahyun was gone again, pushing her way into the school building to retrieve her forgotten item.

The next time was another morning in school not too many days after your last encounter with Dahyun. You had arrived at school late- a result of sleeping through your alarm, unfortunately- and had been on your way to your classroom, books in hand. You certainly weren't expecting Dahyun, of all people, to turn the corner and tumble right into you, sending you both to the ground, landing with a pained "off".

"Aw geez," Dahyun mumbled, clutching her head, "why does this always happen to me..."

You laughed and sat up. "To us, you mean."

Dahyun looked over to see you, and immediately her eyes widened in both surprise and amusement. "Whoa, talk about deja vu!" She exclaimed dramatically as she scrambled to her feet. "That's so weird... we really need to stop running into each other!"

When you had raised an eyebrow at her, Dahyun realized what she said could have been taken poorly. "Oh, I meant like, actually running into each other! Not- I didn't mean- I don't mind running into you, I like running into you actually- I mean, not like-"

Your laughter got Dahyun to stop talking, and instead bury her face in her hands as a bright blush crept up her cheeks. "I think after this, we both deserve introductions. I'm (Y/N)." You giggled.

"Dahyun. It's nice to actually meet you, instead of just running off..."

"I agree.."

Dahyun looked at you awkwardly before her eyes met the ground. "I'm really sorry for running into you those past times. And now. Can I make it up to you with some coffee sometime?" You found it cute how Dahyun, who you had seen be so loud and energetic in the halls, got so shy so suddenly.

This time you blushed, but you nodded without hesitation. Dahyun grinned before picking up your books from the ground, which you both seemed to forget about until now. "Great, uhh... Can I walk you to class?"
Once again, you nodded without hesitation.

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