daijōbu desu ka | mina

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daijōbu desu ka by twice-rxn 

Mina was not having a stellar day.

During practice earlier, she lost her footing while jumping and it resulted to a painful sprain on her right ankle.

They were learning the new dance moves today for their next music video and she can't afford to miss anything because she knows she's going to have to exert double effort to catch up to her members. Their manager however told her to sit out and go home, worrying for her health while the rest of the group urged her to do the same thing.

"Don't worry Minari, we have your back. We'll show you what you've missed later back at the dorm," Sana soothed her when she saw Mina's disappointed look while Jihyo nodded and helped her pack her things up along with Jeongyeon.

"Rest up well, Mina. We've noticed that you've been worn out lately. Well, all of us here are worn out but you looked like you're going to collapse any second," Nayeon said worriedly as she fixed Mina's hair for her.

"We're sorry that we can't accompany you home and take care of you, Minari, so we did the next best thing," Jeongyeon said mischievously while shooting the rest of the members a wink.

A curious expression flittered on Mina's face while they all had to force themselves to stop giggling. "Unnie, what did you do?"

"I'm here! Where is she?" A voice was heard before someone frantically entered their practice room.

All eyes focused on you as your own pair of orbs zeroed in on Mina before you quickened your steps towards your girlfriend with a concerned look on your face.

"Y/N? But I thought you were busy today?"

You shrugged before taking her bag away from a grinning Jihyo, jokingly giving the leader a glare while you slowly helped Mina walk. "I'm never going to be too busy for you, Jagi. Most especially when you're not feeling well. Now let's get you home."

You bid the girls goodbye but not before you were teased with threats about being killed somewhere if you failed to bring her home safe.

(You were pretty sure they weren't joking.)

The ride back to their dorm was uneventful. You allowed Mina to rest her head on your shoulder throughout the whole car ride but you can sense that the pain was getting to her.

When you arrived in her room, you helped her settle down on her bed before you saw her flushed face. Worry began to appear on your features as you placed a hand on her forehead and felt her body temperature's rising up.

"You're running a fever, babe," you murmured, "I'm gonna go buy you medicine and some ingredients then I'm gonna whip up you some soup."

She made a little nod before telling you to take care as you walked out the door and unto the streets while you pondered to yourself out loud.

"What am I going to cook?"

In the end, you settled for chicken soup and it didn't took you long to prepare it in the dorm's kitchen. When you got back to her room however, you were surprised to see her still awake and that her eyes were brimmed with unshed tears. Discomfort's evident on her face and your heart cracked when a tear slowly slipped.


That gained her attention, she always did love it when you're using the petname you gave her. You placed the soup on the nearest flat surface and went to sit on her bed

"Daijōbu desu ka?" You asked, using the little knowledge you have in speaking Japanese. "Anata no atama wa itaidesu ka?"

You've been learning the language behind her back, wanting to surprise her one day but it looks like that plan's out the bag.

When she didn't respond, you began to run your fingers through her hair, massaging her head at the same time. "Hime?"

"I had my ankle sprained, a fever along with a painful headache that stops me from sleeping due to the pain, and you think some basic Japanese is going to make me feel better?" She questioned you, making you embarrassed as you dejectedly looked away from her.

You were about to get up from the bed when she wrapped her arms tightly around your waist, unabling you to get away from her in the process.

"Cause it does," she whispered before kissing your cheek, avoiding your mouth because she didn't want you to get sick.

She's heavily tempted to press her lips unto yours though.

"Even if it's a little gesture like that, thank you. Today's been such a huge mess and having you right here, supporting and taking care of me despite having other things to do, made everything better."

A blush started to spread on your face as you toyed with your hair, "It's no problem, Mi-chan. No matter how busy I may be, I'll always have time for you. You're my number one priority, y'know? Which means, you always come first in my life."

She got silent again and you were worried that you might've made things a little bit awkward. All those thoughts flew out the window when Mina took hold of your hand and pressed a kiss on your fingers, and for the love of all things that are holy, you swore you almost died due to that gesture.

"Ai shiteru yo," you said in a low voice when you've managed to collect you thoughts again as a grin graced your lips. Mina's eyes twinkled with happiness while she wove your fingers tightly together.

"I love you too, Y/N."

The rest of the day was spent nursing her back to health and it was a new experience for you because Mina's a very different person when sick. After the little moment you two had earlier, a very clingy Mina Myoui had appeared. A Mina who's wanting her girlfriend to be with her at every single moment.

If you tell anyone this however, she'll deny all of it.

A/N: I'm not sure if the words that I used in Japanese are correct. If there's a mistake or something, message me. Okay?

* Daijōbu desu ka - Are you okay?

* Anata no atama wa itaidesu ka? - Does your head hurt?

*Hime? - Princess?

*Ai shiteru yo - I love you

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