wishing aloud | sana

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wishing aloud by girls-scenarios on tumblr

"You want me to date you?" Sana's voice rang out, a little bit too loud for your liking, and you could feel your face heating up. Maybe asking your friend to be your fake date wasn't the best idea.

"Fake date me. I have this family gathering coming up and everyone is going to be asking me about personal things and being annoying and I need someone to vent to." Even as the words came out of your mouth, you thought they sounded a bit stupid. But you had to try. You really couldn't go through another family gathering alone.

Sana seemed to think about it for a moment, leaning back in her seat. There was something in her face that you couldn't decipher, but you tried to ignore it.

"Okay. All I have to do is hang out and talk to you, right?" You nodded your head.

"Yep. You don't even have to be a good actor. Just say we met in school, since it's true. I doubt if you're there that my family will bother us too much." She gave you a grin and leaned forward over the table, where the two of you were doing homework.

"I can do that. When's this family gathering?"

"This Friday. You're free, right?"

"I'm totally free. Although I hope it won't be too boring." You laughed.

"They'll have plenty of food, so I doubt you'll be too bored."

"Now that's what I wanted to hear." You'd had your doubts, but maybe this would actually work out. You smiled as you listened to Sana talk, and ignored the nervous feeling in your chest. What could go wrong?


A few days later, and the day before the family gathering, Sana sat in your room on your bed, right across from you.

"Should we, like, practice or something?" She asked, leaning back against your wall. You looked up from the little sheet you'd filled out about things couples should do and gave her a look.

"Practice what?" She shrugged her shoulders, looking a bit too calm for the situation at hand.

"Holding hands or something, I don't know. Couple things. Since we don't act very couple-y normally." It wasn't a bad idea, and you looked back down at your list.

"So, you think we should practice holding hands, being comfortable hugging each other, and what our story is in case anyone asks us?" She nodded her head, giving you a wide smile. The sun was still bright outside your window, but she seemed not to be bothered by the sunlight streaming onto her face. For a moment, your breath caught in your throat as you looked at her, but you quickly shook away the feeling. Now was not the time.

"That's exactly what I think. Come on!" She patted the space next to her, and you moved to sit next to her, heart beating a bit quicker than normal. You waved it off as being nervous about pulling everything off as you sat beside her and took her hand in your own. It was oddly intimate, but you didn't hate it. "Okay, what's our story again?"

You cleared your throat and looked down at your paper. "Well, we met at school because we had some mutual friends and started hanging out. After a while, you asked me out and we started dating. We've been dating for a few weeks now, so it won't be weird if we're still a bit awkward."

"Why was I the one to ask you out?"

"Because my family knows that I'd be too awkward to actually ask you out myself."

"Good point. Keep that in." She leaned against you, and your heartbeat got faster. Willing it to go away, you focused on the paper, telling yourself that she was just playing the part.

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