ive got intentions | tzuyu

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Meetings, conferences, phone calls, brand deals, and piles of business cards that littered a drawer in her exceptionally large desk. That was what Tzuyu's work life consisted of. As the CEO of a successful company, she was almost always busy with something, having to continue proving that, even as young as she was, she knew what she was doing.

It all paid off though. Her closet was full of designer clothes and accessories, she owned a giant penthouse with a huge, comfortable bed, she ate only the best foods and owned only the newest technologies. She always flew first class and had a whole list of contacts to call if she needed anything done for her.

Despite all the work, she was on top of the world. And she loved it.

"Good morning, Tzuyu," Mina said, greeting her as she walked into the office. The head accountant had a stack of papers in one hand and a coffee in the other, and her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, and Tzuyu smiled when she saw her.

"Good morning, Mina. Any news?" The two girls had known each other since high school, and it was always nice to have her around. She was the only person who talked to Tzuyu as a friend rather than a boss or a business partner, and the younger girl appreciated that.

"Stocks have gone up and we're still on a roll. It looks like we're going to have yet another incredible year." The smile on Tzuyu's face widened and she gave Mina a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"That's what I love to hear. Thanks for your hard work." Footsteps sounded behind her, and she raised her eyebrows, turning around to see you approaching her, looking as timid as always.

"Um, good morning-."

"Did you get together the papers for my meeting this afternoon like I asked yesterday? Also, I'm going to be needing some coffee." You gave her a little smile and nodded quickly.

"Yes ma'am, right away." As you turned on your heel and fast walked away, Mina let out a 'tsk'.

"You should be nicer to her, you know. She's still new and nervous around you."

"That's what annoys me about her. She's always so timid, if she's going to make it in the business world she needs to toughen up."

"Maybe if you were nicer to her, she'd be able to be more comfortable." Tzuyu rolled her eyes and turned to head to her private office.

"Don't get soft on me, Mina," she called as she walked away, even though she knew that it wouldn't do any good. Mina was a softy, and she'd always been a sucker for a pretty face. Tzuyu, on the other hand, didn't really care for being too friendly. She wasn't in business to make friends or meet lovers, she was in it to make money. And she didn't really care what her employees thought of her.

After she'd unpacked everything at her desk and looked over her schedule for the day, there was a quiet knock at the door, and she looked up to see you step in with coffee in one hand and a file in the other.

"I have the papers for your meeting today," you said, voice still quiet and timid as you placed the file on her desk. "And here is your coffee, just the way you like it." Eyebrows raised, she took it from you and glanced down at the markings on the side. At least you'd finally memorized her order.

"I'll have another one of these at noon before the meeting. And be sure to bring three regular coffees for my guests." She gave you a look over the cup, "get that?"

"Yes ma'am, of course."

"Good. I'm also going to need you to return these calls because I don't want to." Your eyes widened as she handed over a notepad full of numbers. "All their voicemails are still saved so figure out what they want and take care of it."

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