flutter | momo

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flutter by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

flutter by wishyourgirlfriend on tumblr

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Momo didn't seem like a shy person. On stage, she was the dancing machine- fierce, sexy and confident, shining bright as she nailed every performance with her stellar skills, but off stage, she was just Momo, the cute girl who was too timid to make many friends. She had Twice, sure, who were closer to her than anything else in the world (except maybe her family, but Twice might as well have been a part of her family as well), but her bashful demeanor kept most other people from getting too close to her.

You had been an exception, but only over time. When Chaeyoung had introduced you two, Momo had been nearly silent, saying nothing more than a mousy greeting before keeping her distance, too shy to start a conversation with you. You approached her at some point again and tried to make small talk, which had been short and awkward before Momo wandered off to find Jihyo.

You hadn't planned to get close to Momo, but with the amount of time you spent hanging out with Chaeyoung, getting to know not just Momo, but all of Twice, was inevitable. Time after time, you'd say hi to Momo, which she'd respond to with the same squeak of a greeting before going off to do her own thing.

Perhaps it was because she was a foreigner and not confident in her language skills, or maybe it was because she was just timid by nature, but regardless of the reason, you never blamed her for being on the shy side. It was who she was, and you thought it was adorable.

You were certainly thrown off one day when you had come to pick Chaeyoung and Tzuyu up one morning to drive them to school (you didn't want to wake up that early, but the girls insisted- they were like your little sisters, how could you ever turn them down?) and Momo answered the door when you knocked. She had a cup of coffee in her hands, and a shy smile on her face, but she said hello with a bit more confidence than she had previously had.

Momo said that Tzuyu and Chaeyoung woke up late and were still getting ready for school, so she invited you inside and offered to make you a cup of coffee while you waited. You agreed, and that morning had been the start of your friendship.

From there, conversations happened more frequently and a hell of lot easier than any communication with Momo had been prior. It wasn't uncommon to sit with her in the dorm kitchen, sitting at the table with mugs of hot chocolate, talking about random things while you waited for everyone to get ready for the movie night Dahyun had invited you to, or the tutoring sessions Chaeyoung talked you into giving her.

Momo had grown comfortable around you, and you were glad for it. She was great company- you learned one night, when you and her had been sitting in the living room after Chaeyoung and Tzuyu fell asleep during the movie they had picked out, that once Momo is on a topic that she's passionate about, she won't stop talking.

It was incredibly cute.

You two began to spend more time with each other, inside and out of the Twice dorm, going for coffee dates or walks in the local park. It was nice, and Momo seemed to always appreciate your company, which made your chest feel warm.

The first time Momo made your heart flutter was when you had been walking her home after hanging out, and her hand brushed up against yours. The second you felt her warm skin against yours, you pulled away like you had touched fire, and she did the same.

It was, you realized, the most intimate moment in your friendship thus far, and you were both uncomfortable, but you couldn't pull your eyes away from the deep blush that rose to Momo's cheeks in that moment. Apologies were mumbled, and after that, it was never talked about.

The second time Momo made your heart flutter was when you, with your eyes glued to your feet as you rubbed the back of your head nervously, asked her to see a movie with you. She agreed, but not even halfway through the movie, she had fallen asleep (you frowned the moment you heard her steady, soft breathing, and not because you were offended that she had fallen asleep, but rather because you knew she was in desperate need of rest- she was overworked day in and day out). You didn't disturb her, and instead watched the movie on your own, but at some point Momo had leaned over and rested her head on your shoulder, and that same burning sensation erupted in your cheeks just like when her hand touched yours.

You chose not to wake her up still, but when she stirred towards the end of the movie and realized the situation you two were in, she jumped in surprise and apologized profusely, but just like the first time, it was never talked about again.

The third time was when Momo had come over to your place to hang out, and you had been relaxing on the couch watching a drama the two of you shared an interest in. It was a commercial break, and you both reached for the remote to see what else was on. Your hands collided and instinctively held on to one another. Both hands retreated, but not after you and Momo made eye contact that lasted a little longer than either of you had expected.

The fourth time Momo made your heart flutter was when she invited you over for a sleepover at the dorm one weekend. Jeongyeon had agreed to sleep on the couch that night so you and Momo could sleep in her room, and for hours you two just laid side by side and talked about anything and everything that crossed your mind, until Momo playfully nudged you after you shared some deep thoughts about existence.

"Are you teasing me?" You had asked when Momo started to giggle. She insisted she wasn't, but you knew she was lying, and jabbed at her side lightly in response, which began a tickle fight that neither of you were going to surrender to. You hadn't meant to, but your hand wound up landing on Momo's upper thigh, and the two of you froze, but your hand didn't move. Instead, Momo moved, but not away from your touch- she moved to push her lips against yours longingly, as if she had waited years to be able to feel your mouth against hers.

You felt as though your heart was going to leap right out of your chest as you returned the kiss without a moment's hesitation, holding Momo close as if you'd lose her if you let go.

After that night, those accidental touches were no longer accidental, and neither of you wanted it any other way.

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