say yes | jihyo

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"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Jihyo's voice echoed through the halls and you turned around to see her grinning and waving at you from where she was walking with her friends.

"Good morning, Jihyo," you called back, smiling as you raised your hand in a wave. She sent a wink your way as she walked by, and you laughed, shaking your head, only to turn back to your friends to see them giving you an incredulous look.

"You and that Gryffindor, I swear," Tzuyu said, crossing her arms and watching Jihyo's group walk away towards the Great Hall. "What's with you guys?"

"Was that flirting I saw?" Nayeon asked, grinning and elbowing you. You just sighed and shook your head, shoving Nayeon away.

"Oh, don't be annoying. She's my partner in herbology," you said, ignoring Nayeon's whining. "She's actually a pretty cool person."

"But she's a Gryffindor," Tzuyu said, wrinkling her nose.

"Are we still on about that house stuff? Come on, Nayeon's dating a Hufflepuff, that's even worse than A Gryffindor."

"Hey! Don't badmouth Momo like that!"

"Then leave me alone with my Gryffindor friend, yeah?" Tzuyu rolled her eyes and began to walk ahead of the group, obviously annoyed, and Nayeon huffed and crossed her arms, but fell into step beside you. She didn't hold grudges for long. As you walked towards the great hall, you looked ahead at Jihyo's group and swallowed. You'd be lying if you said that you didn't have a crush.


"How's my favorite Slytherin doing today?" Jihyo's voice was playful like always as she sat down beside you, and you grinned, turning in your chair to look at her.

"I'm pretty good, considering I got full marks on the last test in this class. How's my favorite Gryffindor today?" Jihyo laughed and rested her elbows on the table.

"I'm doing great today. Especially since I have class with you." You tried to keep your blush to a minimum as you rolled your eyes and playfully kicked at her legs.

"Whatever, Jihyo. You're doing great since your house destroyed mine in the last quidditch game, right? Aren't you going to gloat?"

"I would never," Jihyo said, putting her hand over her chest and acting offended. "I care too deeply about you."

"Sure you do," you said, laughing softly as you turned back to look at the homework in front of you. "Congrats, though. Your friend Dahyun was really good out there."

"Thanks. She'll be happy to hear that." Her voice tapered off to a whisper as the professor walked in, but the smile stayed on your face. Talking to her always seemed to be the highlight of your day, as you loved the playful back-and-forth the two of you had going on, even if it had made you fall for her. Jihyo had started it, but you figured that she was just teasing you and wasn't expecting you to really like her. Still, it was fun to flirt with her and at least act like she felt the same way.

"Hey," Jihyo whispered, making you jump a little. "Are you going to the Yule Ball?" The Yule Ball. You'd almost forgotten about it, to be honest. Especially since you didn't really have a date.

"I guess, why?" She grinned and raised her eyebrows, and your heart beat hard in your chest.

"Wanna be my date?" Well, this was unexpected. But you couldn't complain.

"Like I could say no to my favorite Gryffindor."


You'd agreed without much thought, but now you were laying on your bed thinking about it too much. What were you going to wear? What would people say? Had she only invited you because she had no one else to invite, or did she actually like you back? Where you ready to see her all dressed up? Questions raced through your mind and you groaned, pressing your hands to your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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