chemistry | sana

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"Tomorrow, Sana's going to help you with your studies," Nayeon hums, adjusting her glasses as the two of you clean up the library study.

You look up from putting your books back in your bag and frown at her, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"No," Nayeon quickly shakes her head, "I just have something to tomorrow, and I know we're cutting it really close to the exam. I want you to learn as much as you can before the exam, and Sana's really good at chemistry. Remember?"

You frown and shake your head. Nayeon only smiles, "Don't worry, she's good. Trust me. I'll see you Monday, Y/N! Don't be intimidated by Sana, she's a sweetheart."

"If you say so," you murmur, watching her walk off.

The next day, you're sitting at your usual table in the library, your book already open as you wait for Sana to arrive. Of course, you were just relying on Nayeon to tell her time and place, since you didn't have Sana's number. You'd never found a reason to, considering Sana was, of course, one of the most popular girls in school. Everyone knew her name, but you didn't know whether it was because of how pretty she is or how sweet she is. Judging by today's society, it's probably the former.

The doors slam open, and your head lifts from looking down at the table, turning to find Sana at the doors, smiling sheepishly at the librarian and red in the face, breathing heavily.

She bows to the librarian and then the other few students in the library, muttering a quick apology before she straightens up, her eyes darting the library in search of someone - you.

When her eyes meet yours, her lips twitch up into a smile and she straightens even more if possible, starting to walk towards you. You send her a small smile before swiveling around, twisting your pen around between your fingers in a nervous manner.

"Hi," Sana sighs as she sets down her bag, "I'm so sorry I'm late, practice went a little over time today."

"It's alright," you dismiss, shaking your head at her, "Where should we start?"

Throughout the tutoring session, you can't stop yourself from glancing at the girl across from you. Not because she was pretty, well - because of that, too - but because you couldn't stop wondering what was going on in her head that made her want to tutor you in the place of Nayeon while she was busy.

Sana had noticed your stare, but said nothing, just continuing on with helping you the best she could because Nayeon said you really needed the help, and well, it was also another way she could get closer to you.

"Thank you for helping me today," you sigh, running a hand through your hair as you close your book, "I really appreciate it."

"Of course, anything to help," Sana responds sweetly, doing the same.

It's quiet as the two of you pack your things, until you say her name and capture her attention, her heart thumping at the sound of her name leaving your mouth, "Why are you helping me?"

"Just because," she responds, looking back down at her bag. When she doesn't hear a response, she looks back up and sees your eyebrows raised, clearly not believing her.

"We have chemistry," she sighs, sending you a sweet smile.

You think you choke on your spit, coughing slightly as you think about her answer, "Excuse me?"

Sana stares at you, confusion in her eyes, "We have chemistry. You know fourth period, Mr. Kim?"

"Oh," you let out a breath of relief, "Oh, okay. But ... what does that have to do with it?"

Sana only smiles and sends you a wink, so quick you think you've lost your mind and imagined it.

"Today was fun, maybe Nayeon will have to miss more tutoring sessions and I can be your tutor for the day instead," she suggests subtly, "But um, for future references ... Can I have your number?" She notices the look on your face and smiles again, "You know, for chemistry."

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