scaredy cat | jeongyeon

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scaredy cat by jiumoon on tumblr

"I don't want to go in there!"

No matter how much you beg her, or bribe her, or flat out take her hand in yours and pull her, Jeongyeon remains persistent on not going into any haunted houses.

"Come on," you whine, "that's the whole reason we came to the carnival. That's why I love them this time of year because it's so scary!"

"Um, that's the whole reason you came and I hate them!" She rolls her eyes, tugging her hand away from you to wrap her sweater around her body tighter. "I came to have a fun night with my girlfriend, which doesn't include a haunted house!"

"Don't be such a scaredy cat!" Giggling, you link your arm in hers, trying to pull her closer to the end of the line so you can enter the haunted house, with groups of people passing you by and a determined 'there's no way in hell I'm going in there' look on Jeongyeon's face. She stomps her black, leather boots firmly in the dirt, letting you know she has no plans of getting in that line.

"I'm not scared. I just think it's silly." Clearly she is lying, but you aren't going to call her out on it. You know better.

"I'll protect you." With your poutiest face, you pull her closer to you, wrapping your arms around her waist to let you know she can hold onto you if she got frightened. You see her expression shift back and forth, trying to decide if it's worth it or if she should leave you to the haunted house yourself.

You knew talking Jeongyeon into coming to the carnival would be easy. And you assumed talking her into going to the haunted house wouldn't be that hard, but you now realize it's more of a challenge than you were prepared for.

"Okay," she says with a heavy sigh while rolling her eyes, "but I swear to God if you let go of my hand or leave me-"

"Calm down," you interrupt her, giggling harder partly due to your excitement from her agreeing to go with you, "I'm not going to let go of you. Don't worry."

Hand in hand, and with her squeezing your hand harder than you can almost bear in the moment, you make your way to the line. You watch her fidget while waiting, biting her lip and stepping from side to side with a chunk of her hair twirled around her finger. You can't help but to find her worry charming and cute in the moment.

"Come on, we're next!"

You hear her groan behind you as you pull her through the doors lined with blood, the sounds of screams, banging, and haunting music becoming louder.

"Wait, I'm not ready." You feel her tug on your hand behind you as you enter, but you ignore her protests, continuing to pull her along because there's no way you're letting the scaredy cat back out of it now.

You enter the first room with her arms clutched around your body as you lead the way. Your steps remain slow and steady, realizing you might be a little more freaked out than you should be as you made your way through the dark passage.

And suddenly you hear a shout as something pop out from the right, sending the both of you jumping while coming face to face with a masked man. The knife fake he wields is stained with blood, as well as the turquoise surgeon's outfit he wears, causing Jeongyeon to bury her face in the back of your neck as she squeals.

But you begin giggling once more after the initial shock wears off, trying to drag Jeongyeon along with her heavy body weighing you down from behind and her hands gripping your jacket tight.

After a few more scares, a set of strobe lights, zombie nurses, and murderous doctors popping out from here and there that cause the both of you to shriek, you make it outside to safety.

Jeongyeon finally releases you, gasping for air and causing you to realize she has been holding her breath through the last maze right before the exit.

"Are you okay?" You laugh, walking toward her to cup her face so she will look at you. Her lip is protruded in a pout, and her brows are furrowed, almost causing you to feel guilty for dragging her along.

"No," she pouts even more with her soft, baby voice, clinging to you as if you are her only safety or comfort in the moment.

"You did good."

"That was awful."

"You were brave."

"I literally had my face in your jacket the whole time. I didn't even see anything." Her tone of voice, sounding so innocent and so child-like, causes you to lean forward to press your lips to her cold, pink nose as a reward.

"You did good regardless." She grins at your words and finally loosens up, looking around to realize the two of you are still standing in the back of the haunted house.

"I know," she sighs, "but if you ever make me do that again..."

"Hm?" You eye her with your brow raised. Finally releasing her, you grab her hand and begin walking through the crowd to buy her a stuffed animal and make amends, unknowingly to her.

"Well, I don't know what, but I know I won't give you any hot chocolate or cuddling by the fireplace later if we have to do that again." She grins, knowing that was something you have been counting on after the night was finished.

"Okay, okay, no more haunted houses." You pause, biting your bottom lip and rolling your eyes up in thought for a moment. "But can we still cuddle on the ferris wheel?"

Her grin turns into a full blown smile at your words as she nods her head. "That sounds a lot better. I would love that."

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