violet | mina

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Violet by gahye0n on tumblr

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around your torso, plush lips at your ear. "Found you," a familiar voice breathed, tickling the baby hairs of the lobe. You giggled, turning to face her, arms looping around her shoulders. "Told you I'd recognize you first."

"I didn't realize it was a competition," you jested, twisting a lock of her chestnut curls around you finger.

"Of course it was." She smirked, leaning in until your noses lightly brushed one another. "And I'm here to claim my prize."

Intertwining her fingers with yours, she led you into the sea of masked students and towards the orchestra embracing the room in a soft melody. She pulled you close, one hand skimming your waist and the other lingering against your palm. Heat surged to your cheeks as you placidly swayed with her, following her lead and hoping no one glanced in your direction. "I don't know if I can do this..."

"Of course you can, besides no one will recognize you anyway," she reassured, spinning you in a loose circle. "You promised me one dance if I found you first. Just look at me, gorgeous – no one else exists but us."

With a shaky breath, you nodded, trusting in her honey voice and sparkling eyes. Pressing a hand to the small of your back, she drew you closer, humming faintly in your ear. Your eyes fluttered shut, breathing in her floral perfume and melting into her soothing presence as everything else disappeared just as she promised. Maybe you weren't the best at dancing but what did that matter when it was just the two of you, dresses fluttering across the marble floor in synchronized waves?

If only moments like those could last forever, you'd wish for nothing more, yet, the music is always bound to abate, the cloud beneath your feet evaporating and plummeting you back to reality where Mina pulls away and the ballroom comes into focus. Perhaps you'd have been disappointed, pleading desperately for one more dance, if only that hadn't been your first proper look at her, rendering you speechless as you took in her appearance.

Violet suited Mina the best. Violet was the blouse she wore on the day you first met, tugging nervously at the sleeves as she introduced herself – it was in that moment that you fell head over heels in love with the pretty foreign exchange student. Violet were the flowers you confessed to her with, ebony eyes gleaming with excitement as she inhaled the sweet aroma. Violet was the textbook she stressed over, running her fingers through her tousled strands in frustration, the same night you promised to kiss her if she passed the exam. Needless to say she aced it.

Your first kiss was messy – you probably missed at least twice – though if you went back in time, you'd do it all over again. You'd still share the awkward giggles and stuttered apologies, press your thumb to her lips and wipe away the smudged violet streaks she once called lipstick. It was the imperfections that made that moment perfect, lingering sweetly in your memory like a dream.

Violet was the color of Mina so it was no surprise that when you saw her in that deep purple gown adorned with shimmer and ribbon, you maybe might have forgotten how to breathe. "You look like a princess."

She scrunched her nose, smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "What are you acting so cute for? Trying to convince me not to make you dance anymore?"

You took a step forward, fingers entangling in hers, "Or asking for another."

"Oh?" she breathed, a smile pulling at her lips. "You know, I complained about this year's theme being a masquerade since I wouldn't get to see your pretty face but... I suddenly think it might be the best thing that's ever happened." She drew you close, feathered mask tickling your skin as she pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I would have never gotten a dance, or two for that matter, otherwise."

"It's not just because of the mask," you confessed, voice hesitant as you swayed with her, face hiding in the crook of her neck. "I just feel safe with you, like nothing can go wrong when I'm in your arms." She went silent for a moment, her hold slackening ever so slightly. Curiosity getting the better of you, you couldn't help but peek up at her face, heart stuttering in worry as you saw the tears welling in her dark eyes. "Is something wrong?"

She shook her head, hands rising to cup your cheeks. "You really mean that? I really make you feel that safe?"

You smiled, gingerly nodding your head. "You feel like home to me."

She giggled, embracing you tightly before spinning you in a circle. "You feel like home to me too, you know? I was always too embarrassed to say it but it's true. I love you, so so so much."

A glint touched her eyes, a tiny light that felt young and pure and full of promise, a speck of violet that made you want to spend a hundred – a thousand – more nights just like this one. "I love you too Mina, so so so much."

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