CHAPTER 3: I Wan't To Explain Myself

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"Well it's none of your business!" I snap at him. 

I take my plate and grab a water bottle then walk over towards a tree where I can eat so that there's not many people around. 

I don't like eating in front of people. It just reminds me too much of school with people always looking at me in the cafeteria, watching me eat with the judgement on their faces. So I just eat a little far away from others. 

I notice Jane, Elijah and of course, Blaze start walking over towards me with their plates. I just try and ignore them but not make it too obvious as to why I am. 

I take a bite of my salad just as they were approaching and all sit down beside me. Although Elijah sits next to Jane while she sits next to me leaving my left side opened and guess who decides to take that spot? Yep, you guessed it. 

"Girl, you need to eat something more than that. You aren't gonna fill up on that shit. They had some meat up there that you love." She says. 

I give her a 'shut-the-hell-up' look. 

"I'm just not as hungry is all. I ate a big breakfast." I lied. 

"Oh my god, no. We aren't doing this." Jane says as she places half of her burger onto my plate. 

"I told you I'm fine." I try and tell her while trying to place the burger back onto her plate but she moves the plate away and starts to eat her half of the burger. 

I shake my head at how stubborn she is being just as much as I am. I don't touch the burger and just dip my carrots into my ranch until after a moment, I notice Blaze's hand lift up the bun and removes the burger from my plate. 

"No wonder you don't want to eat it, it has Jalapenos on it." Blaze chuckles- he remembers my stomach can't handle spicy stuff? "Here." He says as he places some grilled chicken onto my plate and then begins eating the burger. 

"Thanks." I tell him as I begin taking a bite from the chicken. 

Then of course, some girl comes walking up who looks to be a few years older than me, approach Blaze and sits down next to him. 

"Hey there hottie. What are you doing over here?" she asks seductively. 

"Eating." He says after he takes a bite from a rib.

"I hate eating meat, it causes you to become fat." She says in a way that I know was directing the comment towards me. 

I just roll my eyes and continue to eavesdrop on them talking to each other while I continued eating and didn't realize how fast or how much I was eating until I heard Jane say my name. 

"Raynie! Raynie, slow down." I look at her and then look down at my plate and notice that not only had I eaten everything off my plate, but I had eaten a rib off of her plate, a dinner roll and some potato salad. 

I cover my mouth as I feel myself getting sick and I can't even look at Blaze I feel so embarrassed then right as I hear the annoying girl sitting beside Blaze start to laugh, I couldn't hold it in anymore and quickly got up and started running towards the bathroom. 

I throw up and begin feeling better. That is until I start telling myself about how I never should have let him get to me like that. I had just overcome emotional eating and now it's returning? I got up and walked over towards the sink and splashed some water onto my face then dried it off with some paper towels before staring down at the sink and shaking my head in disappointment with myself.

"Why are you letting him get to you? Now look at you, You over ate. You're so pathetic. You're going to get fat and ugly again and nobody will want you, just like he didn't." I say out loud to myself. I try to fight back the tears and then hear a familiar deep husky voice come from behind me. 

"That's not true." I hear Blaze say from behind me causing me to gasp as I quickly turn around and hold myself up by holding onto the sink. 

"What the hell are you doing in here? This is the women's bathroom!" I snap at him. 

"I know. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He tells me with guilt and sympathy on his face as he hands me a water bottle. "Here, drink some water." 

"Thanks." I reply while taking the bottle from him, but I'm fine so you can go." I tell him. 

He starts to slowly walk up closer to me. 

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now. But I would like for us to talk and let me explain to you why I left." He began. 

"No. you've had years to do that. You can't just show up when you want to out of the blue and expect us to talk or start over or whatever you want to have happen with this so called 'talk' "

"Please, there's a good reason." He begins again. 

"What? You're the leader of a gang? The Mafia? No, you're a Prince and I wasn't good enough." I tell him. Damn my jokes and comebacks are getting rusty.

He chuckles. 

"Was that the rumor people had spread about me?" He chuckles a little harder. 

"I'm glad you find all of this amusing." I tell him as I try and walk past him towards the door. 

Then as soon as I get ready to open the door to leave, I feel his breath on the back of my neck as soon as he closes the door behind me to keep me from leaving. 

"Please let me out." I tell him. 

"Not until you hear me explain." He says. 

I shake my head in disappointment with myself as I begin feeling myself starting to cry. 

"Haven't you done enough?" I choke out while wiping some tears away. 

I then feel his hand cup my face and then gently turns my head to the side until I turn around to completely face him. 

"I swear I never meant to hurt you." He says with nothing but genuine in his tone of voice. 

"Then why did you come back? You think it was going to be easy to see you? Just stay the hell away from me, alright? Like you said when you sent me that text, You can never love someone like me and risk yours and my brother's friendship. So let's just leave it as that I had a crush on you and that was it." I lie to him. 

"We both know it was more than that." He says as he leans in closer looking as though he might kiss me. 

I let him lean in almost close enough to kiss me and I badly wanted him to kiss me and then take me right here in the bathroom but I can't allow those thoughts to happen. I can't allow him to hurt me again. So I push him back and start to cry a little more but am able to bolt out the door and grab Jane for us to leave telling her and Elijah I didn't feel good. 

I mean seriously, why the hell did he need to come back into my life? 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)  I decided that I wanted to post two chapters today for you guys. 

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