CHAPTER 27: What's That?!?

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"Are you sure everything is okay?" I ask Blaze after hours had passed since he promised me everything was fine when deep down inside, I feel like things aren't okay and I do want to know about who Josephine was. 

"Baby, all you need to know is that I love you." He says as he holds the side of my face and looks into my eyes. 

"That sounds reassuring." I replied while sounding half serious and half joking. 

"I just don't think it's the right time to discuss this." He says. 

"Why not? I think it's the perfect time. And don't you say it's because I'm not well enough or any bullshit like that." I tell him. 

He looks at me for a moment before finally giving in and starts telling me as he takes me outside in the back for a walk. 

"Josephine and I knew each other since we were six years old. Both my parents and hers had grown up wealthy and with the highest respect in the wolf council. Then once Josephine turned ten, both her parents were in an accident that left both her and her brother in the care of her aunt who was an embarrassment to the family name. My dad has always had this pathetic idea that both her and I would one day be mates. However, both me and the Moon Goddess knew she wasn't. Then I met you." He smiles at me which of course makes me smile too. 

"But are you saying that your dad is still upset that I'm your mate?" I asked feeling nervously sick to my stomach and worried about what he was going to say. 

"Not now. Don't worry." He chuckles as he intertwines our fingers together and brings the back of my hand up to his lips to place a kiss on it. 

Both of us suddenly hear a loud howling that sounded more like a wolf cry as though they were in pain. 

"What is it?" I asked a little scared. 

"Stay here." He says as he stands up and then all the guys from the pack come walking out of the castle to us and they all quickly start to shift and then disappear into the woods. 

I get up to try and follow behind them but I soon realize I can't shift and still haven't entirely healed or gotten my strength back, so I just head upstairs to our bedroom and lay down and wait for him to come back. 

Several hours pass and it is now close to midnight and Blaze is still not back yet. So my brother, Elijah and Jane both come walking into the room and sit on the bed. 

"Hey sis, you alright?" He asks concerned. 

"Yeah. Is Blaze home yet?" I asked. 

"No." He says. 

"Don't worry though, he'll be home soon." Jane tries to comfort me with a smile. 

They both get ready to leave and then stop after hearing me scream out in pain while holding my stomach as I'm feeling this intense and out-of-nowhere excruciating pain hit me out of nowhere. 

"Ah!!!" I scream out loudly. 

"What is it? What's the matter?" My brother asks me panicking. "Oh my god, go and get some help." He yells out to Jane. 

Jane quickly turns and runs out of the room calling out for someone as all I can focus on is the pain I feel. 

"Oh my god, please make it go away." I cry out. 

"Shh, it's okay. We're gonna find out what's going on." He tries to comfort me but by the touch of him, I feel like my skin is starting to burn a little bit. 

"Ow!!" I cry out louder. 

"I'm so sorry." He quickly pulls back his hand. 

The next thing I see through my semi-blurry vision was Blaze's mom walking through the door up to me where she sits down and then I see her take out a needle and holds down my arm before I feel the prick from the needle being inserted into my arm and then I start to feel whatever was in the shot move throughout my entire body, coursing through my veins. Then suddenly, I feel my eyes start to get heavier and heavier until I pass out. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)   Uh-oh, I wonder what's wrong. :(

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