CHAPTER 9: I've Missed You

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"What?" I asked him confused. Did he just tell me he's a werewolf?!

"I know it sounds crazy but it's true." He says with seriousness in his voice.

"Why is it so hard for you to be honest with me?" I ask him.

"I am being honest. And last night, you saw an actual werewolf who pushed you and caused you to black out. That's how I found you and then brought you back here." He tells me.

"Let me get this straight, you're telling me that you're a werewolf and that the man who attacked me last night was an actual werewolf also not just some person in a costume?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes." He nods in agreement.

"Please leave." I tell him.

"Raynie...." He begins but I stop him.

"I said leave." I tell him more assertively and turn over onto my other side as he leaves the room.

How could he expect me to believe any of that? It's crazy and unreal. I swear, it's the hardest thing for him to be honest and I don't know why.

Last night was a nightmare. I couldn't have really seen a werewolf. They are mythical creatures that do not exist and last night was just some psycho dressed up that took things too far.


A couple of weeks later

Every night now since the Halloween party I have had nightmares of werewolves chasing me, including that same guy from that night. So I've been looking up some information and seeing accounts and historical findings since centuries ago about werewolves and their existence. I guess they are real. But I still don't understand. It's not like he's a werewolf from the books and I'm his mate or anything. That all has to be fake. Besides, according to what I've researched, there is no possibility to me having a relationship with Blaze if this is all true. I don't want to be with him though, right?

Since business is a little slow for now, I decided to talk with Blaze about all of this and have him answer a few questions for me too, so I make my way down to the tattoo shop.

As soon as I walk inside, I see my brother but not Blaze.

"Hey sis, what's up?!" Elijah greets me.

"Hey, is Blaze here?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's in the back. Everything okay?" Elijah asks me.

"Everything's fine. I just really need to speak with him." I tell him as I walk past him towards the back where the break room is at and walk right in and see him talking with one of the female artists there who is flirting with him like crazy.

They both turn to look at me and I just scowl at Blaze and then head out.

"Raynie! Wait!" I hear Blaze yell out to me from behind but I ignore him and continue walking out the shop.

He catches up though and turns me around to face him.

"Let go of me!" I snap at him while ripping my arm from his grasp.

"Stop. Why are you walking away?" He asks.

"I was coming to apologize and was even considering hearing you out in explaining everything to me but, you're just the same as you've always been. One girl turns you down and you're on to the next best thing!"

"Wait, You mean me and Clara? She's just a co-worker, she was just talking to me that's it." HE explains and then stops and smirks at me. "Wait a minute, are you jealous?" He asks.

"Of course not!" I scowl at him as I fold my arms across my chest.

"Then why are you upset?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"Because you just, annoy the hell out of me." I yell back at him although it's a bad comeback.

I start to turn around and walk away again but it's no use, he still grabs my arm and turns me around to face him again except this time, he pins both of my hands above my head and presses his body against mine as I'm up against a wall on the side of the shop.

Neither one of us says anything and instead just start kissing each other. Devouring each other's lips with his tongue dominating mine and me wanting him to do more to me. I can't help but moan a little bit along with him too.

Then we pull our heads apart and look at one another while catching our breaths.

"I'm sorry." He tells me panting.

"Don't be. I wanted you to. I've missed it." I confess.

I feel him cup the side of my face and lift my head to look into his eyes. I begin biting my lip and feel him lightly brush his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Please give me a chance." I hear him beg.

I nod my head.

"Okay." I tell him.

He looks at me surprised and smiles at me as I smile back. He leans in again and we share another passionate long and way overdue kiss.

Damnit, I hadn't planned on taking him back this easily. What can I say though, he makes me feel better than anyone has ever made me feel before.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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