CHAPTER 24: First Time Shifting

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Yesterday was a great day and I was real happy that the entire pack loved Raynie and welcomed not just her but also her brother and his girlfriend, Jane. Well, at least I know they are but not sure if rather or not Raynie knows yet. 

Today was going to be the day that I go over the shifting process with Raynie and I'm a little nervous because this isn't like helping a new person that was already born with the genes how to shift but if you were born a human and then turned into a werewolf, your process is far more painful than if you already had been born as one. Not that it isn't painful for us either but worse for humans because their bodies weren't made for that type of change so fast. 

I decided to take her out to the training field where we do all of our training at and promised her it would be just her and me the first few times just so she could get used to shifting and then once she had that down, she would be trained by not just me but a few pack members, including Larkin. 

We stood in the middle of the field facing each other and I calmed her down so she wasn't so nervous. 

"Ready?" I ask. 

"Yeah." She replies while breathing out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in. 

"Alright. Close your eyes." I begin to tell her. She closes them as I continue. "I want you to think about turning into a werewolf. Think of any kind of werewolf and you'll start shifting. Now, keep in mind that it's going to hurt a lot but you need to finish the shifting process and then open your eyes." 

"Okay." She says as I notice her squeezing her eyes tight and could tell she was imagining herself as one. 

We both hear the cracking of her bones and right away she starts yelling out in pain. 

"It's okay baby, you're doing great, finish the shifting." I tell her. 

"It hurts really badly." She begins wincing in pain and falls down to the ground on her hands and knees as she continues shifting and her bones continue cracking until she's finally in her wolf form. 

By the time she opens her eyes, she looks at me and I'm already in my werewolf form and I begin to mind-link with her. 

"You look beautiful." I tell her. 

"Really?" She replies. Thankfully I taught her how to mind-link before shifting. "I want to see what I look like."

"Follow me." I tell her and she follows me into the woods towards a small creek that's private and not too far from the castle. 

When we get there, she slowly walks up towards it and see's her reflection. 

"Oh my god."  I hear her say. 

"What? What's the matter?" I ask her. 

She turns and looks back at me with what looks to be tears?

"Am I a monster?" She asks. 

"Baby of course not. You're beautiful, if anything. I promise, it's not all like they portray our kind in books and movies. Not all of that is true." I tell her. 

We hear something moving in the distance and her first instinct is her werewolf who wants to go and find whoever it is. However, she has not been trained to fight in her wolf form and it could get really bad for her and possibly drain all her energy.

I have her follow close behind me as we begin to slowly make our way towards the noise and I begin sniffing the air then quickly recognize the strong odor.......Sean. 

I quickly have Raynie shift back by doing the same thing before only thinking of turning back into her human form and then to grab the clothes that we had beside most of the trees here for the pack and I while telling her to not make a sound or anything. Then it was too late, she started to growl as she looked over my shoulder behind me and saw his werewolf. 

"Well look at what we have here." He begins. 

"Get the hell out of here Sean." I warn him.

"Aww, but I just wanted to see how she looked in her werewolf form." He smirks. 

"I'm not going to tell you again." I warn him. 

"What's the matter Alpha? Afraid that she might wanna be with me instead?" He teases. 

"Fuck you!" I hear Raynie chime in and leaped over me onto him, knocking him down onto his back as she's on top of him and trying to bite him. 

They're both growling at each other and then I see him kicking her off forcefully and then picks her up by the neck and raises her up against a tree and as she tries clawing at him, he claws her across the chest just before I get to him and grab him by the back of his neck and throw him down onto the ground hard and infuriated. 

"You fucking touch her again and I swear that you and your family will all be dead! Do you hear me you son-of-a-bitch!?!" I yell at him as I begin choking him while he tries taking swings at me and misses.

He's not able to answer and I do feel like killing him until I look out the corner of my eye and notice Raynie has gone back into her human form and is lying on the ground, moving painfully and crying out loud in pain, nude. 

I drop him to the ground and before going over to help her, I take one final look at him and give him a message. 

"Tell your family, including your sister Josephine, that if any one of you steps foot onto my property that I will not hesitate to kill you all in a slowly and painful!" I threaten him. 

I turn and start making my way towards Raynie while shifting back into my human form and grabbing a few clothing items and put a shirt over her and pants on me before picking her up and carrying her as fast as I could back to the castle. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)     Sorry I didn't post last night, I had been up since 4 AM and went to work all day long, then headed straight to dinner with my nephew before seeing a late showing of the musical 'WICKED' which I highly recommend everyone to see at least once in your life. :) Hope you all enjoy this chapter and the other one's I'll be posting in a few minutes here. :):)

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