CHAPTER 2: I've Missed You

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"Alright man, great work." I hear Elijah tell me as he looks in the mirror at the tattoo I have just finished on him. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"Hell yeah! But you know that I would have hired you anyways no matter what." He tells me. 

"I know but I don't want any special treatment just because we know each other." I laugh. 

"I know but, you really are a great artist and that's why I'm hiring you." He assures me. 

"Good." I smile. 

"Oh hey, there's a family reunion today that Raynie and I were gonna go to along with her best friend Jane. Do you want to come? It's been a while since you guys have seen each other and she's a special Effects Make Up Artist with her own studio." He mentions to me. 

I haven't seen her since the day before I left. That was one of the worst days of my life and I have regretted that day ever since. 

I never meant to leave her. I really did love her and despite her being a human, I knew she was my mate and I was more than happy to know that she was mine. However, I was soon about to head off for training to become an Alpha and I was afraid she would reject me. I feared she would have thought of me as a monster if I had told her that I was a werewolf or worse, she might have cracked cruel jokes. That wasn't the main reason I left though. I had to leave because even though I was twenty years old, I was about to become an Alpha and without the proper training, I might have lost control and hurt her and if that ever happened, I never would have been able to live with myself. 

I never told Elijah at the time because I felt that it would ruin our friendship or he would react the same way and I didn't want to lose his friendship. However, I did get a chance to tell him about a year into my training. I explained everything to him and at the time also got into tattooing. Then when I heard he owned a shop, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to come back and try to make things better between Raynie and I. When I told him, he actually thought it was bad ass that I was a werewolf. He thought they only existed in books and movies but to see they really existed and that he was best friends with one this whole time, let alone an Alpha, he thought it was awesome. But I told him not to tell Raynie and that I would tell her in my own time. 

The thing though that he doesn't know about of course, is not only that she's my mate but that her and I were seeing each other while she was in high school. Because even though he likes the idea of me being a werewolf, I know that he would kill me for ever hurting her the way I did and most likely know that she's my mate. He is after all her overprotective brother that nearly killed a man before because he looked at Raynie the wrong way. 

I come back to the present as I hear him hanging up the phone. 

"Hey, that was Raynie. Her and her best friend Jane are heading over to the reunion right now. So we should get going." He tells me. 

"Okay." I tell him as I finish real quick cleaning up my station. 

We get into my car and we start to take off. I can't stop thinking about her and can't get the recent picture on her Instagram that she has posted out of my head. Her curves are so sexy still and I have already had to calm my wolf down as he is beyond excited we get to see our mate today. 

After we arrive and I meet almost everyone there, I lock eyes with Raynie. She is so beautiful and I just want to wrap my arms around her and kiss her lips to let everyone know that she is mine, but I refrain myself for doing that. 

I accidentally call her by the nickname I used to call her when we were growing up that she would only allow me to call her, but she instantly corrected me and I knew that this might be a long time before I ever get her trust again and forgiveness. In which I understand. 

"I'm sorry, Raynie." I correct with a smirk.

"Well, they just finished grilling, so the foods up if you guys are hungry." She says before turning around and heading towards the buffet table. 

I already have been told by Elijah that him and Jane have actually been seeing each other for almost a year now and they haven't told Raynie yet. So of course, I need to keep that from her. 

I leave Jane and Elijah to themselves for a minute and walk over to join Raynie at the table that is covered with platters and plates of food and drinks. 

I start putting some things onto my plate and see her putting only healthy foods instead of a burger or anything like she normally did. I hope she doesn't think she needs to eat all healthy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like that she's wanting to be healthy, but come on, she's curvy and perfect, she's not unhealthy and I'm sure that's what a doctor would say. Damn society. 

I walk up next to her and start putting more foods on my plate. 

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked. 

"I am." She snaps at me. 

"But there's no protein on there. You need to at least have some of that." I tell her. 

"Well thanks but I don't eat meat much anymore or carbs." She mumbles. 

"Why not? You look great, a little extra meat on you is not a bad thing. It doesn't mean you aren't healthy." I tell her although my wolf right away yells at me to shut the hell up and I agree. I'm not trying to judge her or meaning for it to come out as bad and mean as it is. 

Wow, what a great start for trying to start anew with her. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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