CHAPTER 17: His Parents

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Throughout the rest of the car ride to the castle and after Elijah and Jane both cracked a couple of jokes towards Blaze and Jane told him at how cool she thought he was a werewolf and wanted to see what he looked like as one, I spent the last few minutes before we arrived at the castle, feeling extremely nervous and contemplating back and forth if rather or not Blaze's parents were going to like me or not. I am human after all and not to mention that by accepting to be Blaze's mate, means that I must be accepted by the pack too.

I feel Blaze raise my hand up to his lips to give me a kiss and smiles at me.

"Don't worry, everyone will love you." He assures me.

"How did you...." I began to ask.

"I can read your thoughts sweetie." He says.

"Oh, that's right." I said finally remembering that since he marked me, he can read my thoughts and I can his.

We pull up to the cracked stoned brick castle that was built in the early 1800's and looks to have been kept real good.

Standing outside was a man who looked to be the gardener and a woman who looked to be in her early forties with long dark brown hair that stopped at her mid back and was talking to the gardener until we parked and she turned around and saw us, in particularly me and right away smiled really big and ran up to my side of the door.

"Oh god. Here we go." Blaze says while we all start to get out.

"Raynie?" She asks before hugging me.

"Yes." I smile at her.

She pulls me in and starts hugging me tightly.

"It is so good to finally meet you." She says.

"You too." I reply.

"You are gorgeous." She compliments as she takes a step back to take a good look at me.

"Thank you. You're a very beautiful woman also." I tell her.

"Why thank you." She smiles.

"Hey mom." Blaze says.

"There's my son." She says in excitement as she turns and quickly hugs him.

"It's good to see you." He says.

"You too. Took your ass long enough." She says to him.

"I know mom." He whines a little to her.

"Hey, I'm just saying that if you had done this a long time ago..." She began but Blaze stops her.

"I know. Can we just head inside? It's cold out here." Blaze suggests.

"Of course." She says and then looks at Jane and Elijah. "And you must be Elijah and Jane, correct?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am." Jane greets her.

She hugs them both and then tells them to please not call her ma'am but instead, to call her Sharlene.

We all begin walking inside the place and it looked like a mix of victorian to modern looking decor. It was very welcoming.

"But sir, I need to have some more time." We overhear some guy who looked to be around the same age as Blaze's mother and his dad, who I can tell that he was because he looked like an older Blaze as he was ignoring the man talking in his ear while coming down the stairs.

"Because I'm not interested in any of your excuses! I need results." Blaze's father snapped at the man before stopping and looking at us.

He begins to smile as he comes walking up towards us and gives Sharlene a kiss real quick and then looks at me, Elijah and Jane.

"Honey, I thought you weren't going to be doing any business today." Sharlene asks him under her breath.

"Sorry, it was an emergency." He smiles at her and then looks at me holding his hand out. "You must be Raynie." He says.

"Yes. And you must be Blaze's father." I said while shaking his hand.

"Supposedly." He teases.

Sharlene nudges him with her elbow while rolling her eyes.

"Stop it." She tells him.

"I'm kidding." He chuckles. He looks at Blaze and the smile he has on his face fades a little. "Glad to have you home." He tells him.

"Thanks." Blaze replies dryly as he looks off to the side.

"And you guys must be, his friends?" Blaze's father says while shaking Elijah and Jane's hand.

"Yeah. I'm Raynie's brother and Blaze's best friend and this is Jane, Raynie's best friend." Elijah introduces them both.

"Well, welcome to our home." He greets them with a smile.

"You have a really nice home." I quickly comment.

"Thank you. This was all my doing." Sharlene chimes in.

"Yeah, I just live here." He chuckles.

A moment of silence begins and before it became rally awkward, thankfully his mother interrupted.

"Anyways, are you guys hungry? I have had a feast prepared for you all, not knowing what you liked." She warmly smiles.

"Thank you. I'm starving." Elijah says.

"Great! Let's all head into the dining room and eat." She says as she loops her arm through mine and we all start walking towards the dining room.

I must say that so far, I really like his parents although his father I'm not sure about yet if his and Blaze's relationship is rockier than what Blaze has told me. Although he has been vague in explaining about his and his dad's relationship.

Dinner was great and we all got really full while also getting to know one another a little more and I began feeling more at ease and less nervous. His parents aren't what I expected and I'm glad.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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