CHAPTER 35: Fighting With The Family

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Blaze was training me along with a few of the guys from the pack along with Larkin when it came to training for the next few weeks and I seemed to be catching on quicker than expected.

Tonight both of Blaze's parents were throwing a barbecue get together with just close friends and family coming to welcome me officially into the pack.

I was a little nervous in meeting more of his family but I know I had to get it over with sooner or later.

Blaze's parents and I, along with Blaze have been trying everyday to move on from what happened weeks ago and have been more than welcoming and accommodating with me.

While walking around as he was introducing me to his family, they were all amazing. Just hearing about their bloodlines, ancestors and the history of their family. It was all both interesting and really cool at the same time. I was proud to become part of this family.

We all were laughing, drinking, eating and overall having a great time.

Then right as everyone was getting ready to head out to the backyard and have a bonfire. However, to me, I felt like it was too cold.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go grab a sweater." I kiss Blaze on the cheek and begin making my way upstairs.

After grabbing it from the closet, I start to put it on and begin walking towards the stairs when all of a sudden, I feel my ankles being grabbed out of nowhere, making me fall onto my face.

I quickly try to get up but feel someone grab me by the legs causing me to fall back onto the floor.

"Blaze!!" I start to yell out loud through mind-link.

Within less than a minute, he was calling out for me panicking while running up the stairs along with my brother and a few people from the pack.

"Don't even think about it." Josephine says as Sean lifts me up off the ground by the hair and immediately puts a knife made out of pure silver and places the tip of the blade against my neck while beginning to feel the burning from the silver.

I wince in pain as he doesn't budge with the knife. Meanwhile, Josephine's smirking at Blaze as her guys grab a hold of him and the rest of them.

"Now that I've finally caught your attention, I suggest you play nice and do exactly as I tell you." She begins.

"I swear Josephine, you both wont get away with this." Blaze begins to tell her.

"Oh but I will. Now with my uncle dead and he doesn't have any other family to take his place and title, I am the only choice left." She grins.

"What do you mean? What the hell did you do?" He asks.

"I simply just took care of something that should have been done years ago."

"How could you? Your own uncle?!" Blaze snaps at her with disgust.

"It was easy really. I mean, easier than when Sean and I killed our parents. Man, that was a night to remember." She says as she looks off to the side as though she's remembering something.

"You sick bitch! I'll make sure you get put away for good. You and your brother!" He snaps at her.

She looks at him with a smirk for a few moments without saying anything. I'm not sure what came over me in that moment but I knew that I wasn't going to let this bitch get away with this and I wanted to end it once and for all. So I somehow found my inner werewolf strength and quickly began to shift as did the rest of the pack and Blaze, then Josephine, Sean and their pack all shifted into their werewolves and the next thing I know, the house is filled with werewolves and from the first floor up to the second here, the place was filled with werewolves growling at each other while showing their sharp canines and we all start going at each other.

Skin is being shredded by claws, deep wounds that'll leave nasty scars are being created. Tonight is my first fight with Blaze's family. Which wait a minute, where are his parents?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)  Also sorry for not posting for this in a couple of days. Had to think of what to put. Also, I am having more of the fighting in the next chapter and will be posting the chapters for the other stories tomorrow, since it's a little before midnight here. So I hope you all enjoy this chapter. :);):)

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