CHAPTER 32: You Are MINE!!

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Since the moment we arrived at the party, I had let all the men know that Raynie was all mine and for the whole time we were there, I was introducing her to some people and giving her all my attention. 

The time had finally come when I was getting ready to announce to everyone that Raynie was my mate when I hear Sal go up to the microphone again on the second floor at the balcony. 

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, may I have all of your attention please." He announces. 

Everyone stops what they're doing and looks up at him waiting. 

"Blaze, will you please come up here?" He asks. 

I give Raynie a quick kiss on the cheek and then begin walking up the staircase towards him and when I get there he smiles and winks at me before putting his arm around me and then looks over to the other side of him where Josephine is standing and puts his arm around her. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the best news ever and I am very sorry to be saying it instead of you but, everyone, my niece Josephine and Blaze here, I have just recently found out that they're each other's mates." He smiles big. 

Meanwhile I'm in shock and immediately glare at Josephine then try and take the microphone. 

"Everyone, I'm sorry but, that's not true...." I began but Josephine quickly grabbed the microphone from my hand and interrupted me. 

"Uh, sorry guys but, he's so surprised and I'm sure disappointed that my uncle here told the big announcement that he meant to tell you all himself. But it's very much true." She smiles and looks at me then tries taking hold of my hand and leans in for a kiss but I right away move my hand away and push her back a little while I look down where Raynie was at and immediately I sprint down the stairs and outside, following her scent as I see her running towards the end of the driveway. 

I run after her and catch up, turning her around to face me as she abruptly removes her arm from my grasp. 

"Don't touch me!" She snaps at me while fighting back tears. 

"I swear that I didn't know about any of that." I try and explain. "Please, you have to believe me." I try and assure her. 

"No, you know what? I hate this. I can't do this anymore. I mean, I never expected it to be like the movies and books that I read but already, your parents had both tried to poison me, not to mention the fact that this Josephine bitch and her brother is an asshole. Nobody wants us to be together. Normally I wouldn't care and I would just tell myself that this is what it takes to be together but you know what? I don't know if I can go through all of this. And maybe you're Moon Goddess or whatever she is can turn me back to a human or something. Then I can just go back to my old life without you in it and everything will be...." She cries out but I stop her and hold her face with my hands having her look me in the eyes. 

"Better? Because nothing will be better if we aren't together. I can't go another minute without you. I love you and want only you." I start telling her. "Damnit, I'm not losing you again!" I tell her as I roughly place my lips onto hers and start making out with her. 

I can feel her try to pull away but I just tighten my grip more and the next thing I know, we quickly get into a limo and start heading back to the castle and I carry her upstairs to our bedroom bridal style and lock the door after tossing her onto the bed enough to make her bounce a little up from the mattress. 

Then I quickly start removing my clothes as she does with hers until we're both fully naked and I right away climb on top of her smashing my lips onto hers. 

"I'm gonna prove to you that you are mine and that I am all yours." I smile at her and hungrily begin kissing her on the side of her neck, down to the valley of her breasts while cupping both of them as I place one of her nipples into my mouth and begin swirling my tongue around it before showing the same attention to the next one causing her to gasp and bite her lip. 

"" She breathes out. 

"I'm gonna make you scream my name." I tell her as I continue kissing down to her stomach then further down until I get to her sweet glistening bud that's sensitive to the lightest touch. I hear her gasp as I begin rubbing her clit slowly at first to tease her a little bit before I feel her fingers move through my slicked back hair and grip onto it as I slip in one finger at first and then slide two inside moving in and out as I continue sucking and flicking at her clit. 

I hear her moan and start to buck her hips up the faster I thrust my fingers in and out of her tight sweet wet pussy hitting her gspot with each thrust making her moan more and more as I start gripping onto her thighs to try and hold her still as I suck and move my tongue fast over her clit until I feel her start to grip onto my hands. 

"Let yourself go baby. I want to taste you." I tell her as I pause real quick before finishing and feeling her start to squirt and come all over onto my fingers. "MMM...Fuck baby you taste so good." I tell her as I lick my fingers and climb back on top of her, making out with her, forcing entry with my tongue into her mouth. 

I feel her push me off while wrapping her legs around my waist and sitting on top of me and starts moving her hands down my chest all the way down to my cock. 

The first thing I feel is her mouth on the tip of my cock as some precum begins coming out before feeling her mouth take in more of my length in her mouth until the tip hits the back of her throat and she begins to gag a little bit but doesn't stop and instead instead continues stroking my hard shaft up and down making me feel like I'm going to cum especially when she moves her tongue all the way from the bottom to the tip and that's when I can't control myself and quickly roll her over onto her back again and right away thrust deep inside of her causing her to moan out loud and became louder and louder the faster and deeper I thrust inside of her feeling her nails on my back making my inner wolf make me go even harder, pounding her faster until we both come together and I collapse on top of her as we try catching our breaths before spooning until we fall asleep in each other's arms. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)   Aww, he went after her. So much love. :);):):)

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