EPILOGUE: 11 Months Later.....

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I don't mean to sound all girl-like but I have waited for this day since the day I first met Raynie.

She is so strong and amazing that sometimes I have asked what I ever did to deserve her. Then I finally stopped asking that as she proved to me everyday what and why I have her.

After everything that had gone down back at the castle, both Raynie and I had decided that it was time we moved since all we could see in that house was the massacre and a reminder of how I almost lost her. So we moved away and several months later got married and now are the proud parents of a one month old son who has his mothers eyes and hair while the rest of his looks are from me.

It's been a crazy year and it's not even over yet. I lost my parents and a few pack members along with some family that horrible night. However, from that tragedy, I feel as though we have also had a great ending to this year.

Never thought I would be a parent or a husband. Those are the best titles I could ever have.

Right now, I was heading to our room and while passing by our son's, I could hear Raynie's beautiful and soothing voice singing a song to our son while rocking him to sleep.

I stand in the doorway looking at the both of them with so much admiration.

Dragon tails and the water is wide
Pirate sails and lost boys fly
Fish bite moon beams every night and I
Love you
So godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams little man
Oh my love will fly
To you each night on angels wings
Godspeed little man, sweet dreams, little

I swear that just hearing her voice singing was making me wanting to fall asleep as she always seems to calm me down also.

I walkes off to our bedroom to wait for her and got into bed, scrolling through my phone and finally find a game to play and then I hear the door close and look up to see her quietly walking towards me.

"I got him to sleep so we should be good." She quietly says as she walks over to her side of the bed and turns on the baby monitor before laying in bed underneath the covers.

"So then we have the rest of the night to spend some time together?" I ask with a smile and move my eyebrows up and down playfully.

"You are crazy babe. Not tonight, I'm too tired." She says as she gives me a quick kiss on the lips and turns on her side with her back facing me. "Love you, goodnight."

"Oh uh-uh." I say as I turn her onto her back and start kissing her neck and then her soft beautifully pink lips.

"Mmm." I hear her moan.

"I'll do all the work." I tell her between kisses.

She begins to giggle a little.

"Baby, you know...." She begins to say but I don't let her finish.

"Shhh. Just enjoy it baby." I tell her before I start kissing down her neck to her chest and right as I move my hand up her silk gown, we hear our son begin to cry.

We both breathe out a little disappointed but at the same time, this is just the start. I don't mind though and neither does Raynie.

Don't get me wrong, we have lost a lot of sleep but we love taking care of him.

"Sorry hun." She says and is about to get up when I stop her.

"I got this one baby." I smile ate her while getting up. "Just don't go to sleep." I wink at her.

"I won't." She smiles at me.

I start making my way out towards his room and I pick him up and cradle him close to me as I look down at him trying to soothe him and help him fall back asleep. It took a while but he finally went back to sleep and after laying him back down and quietly closing the door behind me, I head back into our bedroom and right as I close the door behind me and start walking towards the bed, I stop as I see her fast asleep.

"No." I say under my breath.

Oh well, I guess we should get some sleep. So I get into bed and then lean over to give her a goodnight kiss but she smiles and surprises me by rolling over on top of me, straddling me.

"Tricked ya." She begins to giggle.

"Oh you're gonna really get it now." I tease her while flipping her onto her back and getting between her legs.

We look into each other's eyes for a moment.

"I love you." I smile at her.

"I love you too." She smiles back at me.

                        The End!!

So sad that this is the end of this story but I hope you all liked it. :)
About the story I told you about that I would post tonight. 'A Luna For Christmas' I was thinking, should I make it into a romantic Christmas story that still has the same concepts as my other Alpha stories? Or do you think I should just make it a non-Christmas story and go with the same concept as my other stories? Let me know which one you'd like me to do. Cause it's about protecting the new Moon Goddess. :)

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