CHAPTER 25: What The Hell Is It Now?!

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I heard the muffling of people talking in the distance and as I slowly began opening up my eyes, I try and look around and notice that nobody is in the room here but that they must be arguing outside my door. It sounds like Elijah and Blaze. 

I tried sitting up when I heard the door open and saw both Blaze and Elijah quickly coming to my side to help me. 

"Don't baby, I'll help you." I hear Blaze say as he starts to grab my arm and help prop up a pillow against the headboard and help me sit up. 

"Thank you." I smile at him. 

"I'm so glad you're okay." I hear Elijah tell me. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

Blaze looks down at our hands intertwined with one another's with a look of guilt on his face before beginning to explain. 

"You were hurt by another werewolf a couple of days ago after you shifted." He says with guilt in his voice. 

"Oh." I reply. 

"Don't worry sis, I heard that you are still in the early stages of becoming a werewolf that you can choose to reverse it if you wanted to." Elijah mentions. 

I look at him like he's crazy. 

"What? No. I don't want to reverse it." I start to tell him. 

"But you could have gotten killed." He tries to protest. 

"That happens. It's okay. Besides, if it wasn't for Blaze being there, I might not have made it out alive." I smile while looking at blaze who tries to force half a smile fully but can't. 

"But...." Elijah begins again. 

"Please...." I began telling Elijah. "I am fine and will be fine. Right now though, I need for you to leave us alone. I want to talk to Blaze." 

Elijah then scowls over at Blaze and then looks at me again with sadness in his eyes and finally rolls his eyes as he gets up and starts heading out of the room, shutting the door behind him. 

Blaze and I both share a moment of silence before he begins to say something. 

"I'm so glad that you're okay. You have no idea in how scared I was and how guilty...." He began but I stopped him. 

"Stop." I tell him. "You saved me first of all and if it wasn't for you, I most likely would have died." I try to reassure him. 

"I swear, I didn't know that Sean would step foot onto my property. It's just, ever since his sister, Josephine, escaped from her captivity, he seems to have gotten more brave." He begins. 

"I met him the other day." I began. 

"What?!" He snaps as he abruptly pushes himself up off the bed and stands on his feet. 

"It's okay. He didn't really, do anything." I say the last part underneath my breath but who am I kidding, of course he heard it. 

"Ray, it is important you tell me what he said or did to you." He tells me through clenched teeth while sitting down again next to me on the bed and holding my arms. 

"N-nothing." I replied feeling scared a little bit as I began to remember what Larkin told me in not to tell Blaze. 

"Don't lie to me." He says. 

"It was nothing really, it was just that, he called me a couple of things and...." I stop myself. "It doesn't matter does it? He won't come onto this property ever again right?" I asked. 

"It doesn't matter. He broke the law in trespassing onto our property." He states. 

"Please don't hurt him or kill him. Can we please just let it go?" I start to try and beg him. 

He looks off to the side and out the window as he tightens his face and scowls. 

"For now I will but only because you're still healing and to upset you will only delay the process for you to heal so, I will let it go for now." He says. 

"Baby?" I began as I took hold of his face and had him look into my eyes. "I want you to know that what my brother said, I will never do to you. I want this life with you and I will never regret following my heart in doing so. I love you." I tell him. 

"I love you too baby." He smiles real big as he pulls me in for a kiss on the lips and we share a passionate long kiss with each other before he lays in bed beside me while cuddling and looking into each other's eyes. 

I know that things are going to be hard and maybe more extreme than most relationships, both human or creatures but I do know one thing for sure, we are both in love with each other and for the first time in my life, I feel hopeful and no longer feel that pain I felt when he left years ago. I know that we are going to have a great life together and be there for one another. 

Suddenly, the doors burst open and in walks an out of breath Larkin, as he tries to tell us in between taking breaths something. 

"Alpha, future Luna, you better come and look at this." He says concerned and worried. 

Oh my god, what the hell is it now? I thought to myself. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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