CHAPTER 7: The Maze Of Mirrors.....

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It's been a couple of weeks and already is Halloween night. I was somehow able to pull off getting everyone ready for the big party tonight and then put on my costume also.

I have never been confident enough to wear a sexy costume and thought that being curvy I wouldn't be able to pull it off. So I decided to be a sexy version of Red Riding Hood only to add to it, I wanted to look like a victim. So I did some special effects with claw marks and across my chest, starting at my neck. Then a few claw marks on my legs and arms as well as a little on my face. However, I still looked good.

I text Elijah and ask when he'll be here and just as I send it, I hear a honk outside and grab my basket of some candies and made my way down the stairs. I stopped and was surprised to see a limo.

"What the hell?" I said under my breath.

The back side passenger door opens up and out comes Jane wearing a Cat Woman costume, the same looking one that Halle Berry's.

"Wow, look at you." She says while looking me up and down.

"Thanks. You too. You look great!" I tell her.

"Why thank you darling'." She says.

"What's with the limo?" I asked her and then out comes Elijah in his Wolfman's costume. The same one from the latest 'Wolfman' movie with Benecio Del Toro in it.

"I thought it'd be awesome to arrive in a limo." Elijah says. "But we need to get going." He says.

I nod my head and the both of them let me get in first and right away, I notice the only room is next to a beautiful girl who was overall, gorgeous and just so happened to be sitting next to Blaze, who looked to be dressed like a greaser from the fifties?

"Hi, I'm Maggie." The girl holds out her hand.

"I'm Raynie." I smile at her while shaking her hand.

"I love your costume." She's says. "You look really hot." She says.

"Thanks." I blush.

"Alright Lumpy." I hear my brother tell the driver who then begins driving off.

I thought that name was cute. I wonder how the driver got that name. In fact, I wonder if he'll let me sit up front with him but that wasn't going to happen, at least, that's not what Maggie was going to allow.

"So, I hear you're a bad ass Make Up and Hair Stylist and that you specialize in Special Effects. Which I can tell you're beyond talented." She comments.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Do you think you can do my hair and makeup sometime?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I tell her.

"Awesome!" She says excitedly.

Jane and Elijah, I can tell are dating, despite them denying it but I don't know why they don't just tell me already. Although then again, I understand why they don't at the same time. I guess when they're ready to they will.

I start looking out the window and look at all the street lights and lights from the cars pass us by until finally we pull up in front of the huge building and can't believe at how big it is.

Everyone looks forward to this huge party every year and just a couple of years ago, did Elijah and I hear about it and started going. This year, however, I recently found out was being thrown by someone who apparently has a lot of money and I heard she's new to the town.

I was really excited to be here and I knew that it was going to be a lot of fun. I also heard that this party, even had a haunted maze.

We all got out of the car and made our way inside with the music blaring loudly and everyone dancing, drinking and having a great time.

Jane, Elijah and I decide to first go out and dance on the dance floor before going towards the bar to get some drinks. The DJ is playing great music.

After dancing for a while and building up a thirst, I headed over towards the bar while Elijah and Jane continued dancing. Once I finished my drink, I decided that I wanted to check out the haunted maze.

I was a little worried because I knew that it was supposed to be scary but people normally go into those kinds of things with others. However, I know that Elijah and Jane would never go in cause neither one likes scary stuff. I swear that Halloween and Christmas are my two favorite Holidays.

I cautiously begin walking into the maze and I hear some girls screaming, along with some guys somewhere in the distance and the floors are covered in fog with mirrors that make up the maze.

I'm a couple of minutes in the maze when I hear a low growling and then I see behind me as a reflection in the mirror, someone dressed as a werewolf that looks realistic.

"Wow that's really good make up." I tell them as I turn around and suddenly don't see it anymore.

I just shrug it off and continue on and notice they have someone dressed as Pennywise the Dancing Clown from the new movie version of 'IT' along with Michael Myers and several other iconic monsters and villains.

Then right as soon as I turn the corner, I see the same figure of the werewolf.

"Oh my god." I gasp in fright.

While staring at it in the mirror, I can see it's red eyes staring at me through the mirror and right as soon as I turn around to look at it and tell it to fuck off cause it's pissing me off now, it had jumped right out from the fog at what looked to have been from behind some of the mirrors. I was lucky enough to duck from it before it touched me and although I couldn't see where I was going or if I was going to hit one of the mirrors, I just ran before this psycho murdered me.

As soon as I got out of here I was going to make sure that I tell the host of this party and my brother and Jane about this.

I can tell that I'm lost but try and catch my breath and start looking around to figure out if there's any way out. I then pull out my phone and try to text Elijah hoping he has his phone on vibrate and can come help me. But I don't get the chance to do that because I feel it's hair on the costume, brush up against the back of my leg.

"Listen asshole. You've had your fun. Now leave me the hell alone and go scare someone else." I snap at them.

The werewolf just continues to look at me with menacing red eyes and starts to snarl, showing his sharp canines. Man, whoever did this guy's make up did a great job. It looks realistic. However, he's taking his job too seriously.

Then I look in the mirror in front of me and can see the werewolf standing behind me, a little over six feet tall and I start to try and scream but it pushes me back hard, causing me to break a couple of the mirrors while falling onto the ground and seeing nothing but darkness.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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