CHAPTER 28: A Few Days Later.....

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Raynie has been real tired lately as my mom has been trying to explain to me that her body still needs time to adjust to everything before she can try and shift again. 

When I had left the other night, I was dealing with the loss of one of the newest members of the pack and it was a brutal death. I looked to him like a little brother and felt bad that he got killed after promising his parents before they were killed years prior that I would take care of him. 

Then not too long after that incident, I felt a sharp pain deep inside of my stomach and knew that it had to have been from Raynie. So I quickly came back home and saw that she was sleeping, yet again after my mother had given her another sedative for the pain. 

I was beginning to become really worried in the fact that maybe her human body can't handle the whole werewolf thing and that's why her being in pain is a little more painful. 

Tonight, before heading upstairs to lay next to Raynie as I have since the beginning, I walked passed my father's office and overheard him talking with another man who had a deep husky voice of an older gentleman. 

I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I cautiously put my ear close to the door and began hearing him talk to the other one. 

"I don't know if I can do this anymore. I'm not sure I can be okay with all of this. He has found his mate and is in love with her. I just want to see my son happy, which he is." I hear my dad tell the man. 

"We made a deal. For you to keep your title and status clean to everyone, you must do this." The man says. 

I hear a creak coming from the floor off to the side and heard one of our maids' footsteps walking across the floor down the hallway towards here it looked like, so I quickly ducked to the side in a dark corner and waited until the coast was clear to head upstairs. 

When I got to the top of the steps, I quickly ran into our bedroom after I heard Jane screaming in terror. 

I quickly walk into the bedroom and see Raynie still on the bed but she looked like she was panicking and was tossing and turning as she couldn't hold still. 

"Calm down." Jane tries holding her down and calming her down but to no prevail. 

"What's going on?" I asked worried. 

"I don't know. But whatever your mom has been giving her, her body is rejecting it or something. It's beginning to have a reaction on her." She says. 

"Oh my god." I panic before running out and mind-linking with Larkin to tell him to call the pack doctor ASAP!

While he does that, I leave for a minute to run and get my mom and dad. I run into the office and see both my parents talking with each other. Yet, I don't see the man that was here moments ago. 

"What's the matter?" My mom asks concerned as she quickly walks up to me. 

"It's Raynie. Something is happening to her. She's reacting to the medicine you've been giving her." I tell her. 

"What?" She says confused. 

We all  start heading upstairs and my mom quickly sits beside Raynie and calms her down by holding both of her arms down. 

Not a moment later, do I hear my mom call out for me to call the pack doctor, in which I tell her I already did that. 

"Is she okay?" I asked concerned. 

"I don't know." My mom replies. "But looking at her arm right here, her veins look infected." She says while examining with her eyes, Raynie's arm. 

I walk over to look at what she's talking about and see that her veins are black, purple and blue, going all through her arm in a spider-vein kind. 

"Is she going to die?" Elijah asks. 

"No." I tell him. "But we can't be in here right now. The doctor will be here soon and will help give her what she needs." I assure him. 

He doesn't agree with me at first and then finally starts walking out the room and was perfect timing since the pack doctor was just walking into our bedroom. 

Well, this has so far turned out to be not at all what I had hoped nor expected it to be like with her. I just hope she makes it through and hope that the doctor can figure out what happened and why her body has rejected the medication just now. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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