CHAPTER 11: I'm In Love With A Werewolf

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Did I really just ask for him to show me? Did I really want to see? Of course I did. 

"Are you sure about this?" I hear him snap me back to the moment. 

"Yeah." I tell him right as we pull up to a spot right outside from the woods. Of course, it has to be the woods. 

He comes and opens up my door and takes my hand and we begin walking into the woods a ways and then after going in about a couple of miles to a spot that seemed private enough. 

"Okay." He began. "Stand right here, close your eyes and I wan't you to count to five slowly. When you get to that, open them but whatever you do, don't scream." He says. 

"Okay, but why can't I watch?" I ask.

"Just not for the first time." He says with pleading eyes. 

"Okay." I reply and close my eyes. 

So many things begin going through my head in what he'll look like in his wolf form. I wonder if it is anything like the stories I've read or the movies I've seen. I wonder if I will be afraid. I can hear bones cracking and him make a grunting noise from the pain of shifting as I count to five out loud and as soon as I get to five, I open my eyes slowly and then gasp in fright as I see him in his werewolf form. 

His stature is about eight feet tall with a slight slouch posture, has large percentage of muscle mass compared to a humans counterparts, has a tail, Is humanoid in shape with half bent back hind legs, with facial structure that is of a wolf with a defined muzzle and no human-like features. He had dark long razor sharp fingernails attached to his functional paw-hands with an opposable thumb. Good for gripping Hands can be more feral, but are definitely not human looking. Ear shapes were taller, bat-like ears, and everything in between, as well as upright with sharp canines. His eyes are not like the gentle blue ones I'm used to seeing. These are dark and he's looking at me as though he wants to hurt me. So I begin stepping back slowly a little bit until I feel my back hit a tree trunk and has me standing frozen in fear as he begins to slowly walk towards me on his two hind legs not all fours. 

My heart begins to race and I can feel myself begin to nervously sweat as I no longer see the man I love but a monster and a mythical creature who is well known for killing ruthlessly. I know he said he couldn't hurt me but still, when you see something like this that's not supposed to exist, I can't help but feel terrified. 

He gets close enough to where I feel his nose begin to gently touch my neck as he starts to sniff me. I don't know what to do-I still can't move. 

Then something amazing and yet unexpected happens. He moves his head back and looks into my eyes and quickly, although his eyes don't change color, I can tell that by looking into his eyes that he won't hurt me. 

I start to raise my hand and cautiously place it on the side of his face and quickly feel relieved and no longer afraid of him as I watch his wolf close its eyes and tilts his face onto my hand before leaning in and licking my neck. It begins to tickle and I start to giggle then I hear his wolf purr a little bit at me. 

"Okay okay. Come on, can you turn into your human form now?" I chuckle. 

He sighs and then turns around and gets his clothes before going behind a tree and just as fast as he shifted into his werewolf form, he was back into the Blaze I was used to. 

"So?" He says. 

"Honestly, it was a little scary when I first saw you. Definitely nothing like the movies or books. Then when you looked into my eyes, I don't know, I suddenly wasn't scared anymore. I felt safe." I smile at him. 

"Really?" He asks. 

"Yes. It's just...." I began. 

"It's just what?" He asks me. 

"When you're your wolf and please be honest with me, is there still a chance you could possibly lose control?" I ask while trying to hide my fear. 

He walks closer towards me and cups the side of my face. 

"I will never hurt you. And if I ever did lose control, then use this." He says while handing me a small apothecary bottle. 

"What is this?" I asked. 

"It's Wolfs bane. You can either put it on a knife and stab me with it, pour it on me or whatever you want." He says. 

I nod but I just hope that I never have to use it. 

"Alright." I look up at him and smile. "Now let's go get something to eat, I'm starving and lunch is on you." I tease. 

He chuckles and then takes my hand as we start to head to the car and then off to enjoy the rest of our day together. I never thought I would ever say that I'm in love with a werewolf. It's kind of exciting and hot, especially knowing he's an Alpha. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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