CHAPTER 23: Sean

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Wow! First Council meeting and first day as a werewolf, or at least I think I am and everything went better than expected. It was a huge sense of relief that I didn't need to be worried about them accepting me or not. However, meeting the pack on the other hand was a different story. 

When we pulled up in front of the castle, Elijah, Jane had come out to greet us with worried looks on their faces. 

"You're alright." Jane says relieved as she hugs me tightly. 

"They approved of me." I smiled. 

"Oh thank god." Elijah says relieved as well while leaning in to hug me also. 

"Yep!" Blaze grins while putting his hand in mine. "Now the next step will be to introduce her to the pack. So tonight, we're going to have a barbecue and introduce all of you to the whole pack. Then a couple of months from now or whenever this shit is over with that we're dealing with at the moment, we'll have a ball and introduce her and all of you guys to the entire world of Werewolves." 

"Really?" I asked surprised. 

"Of course." He smiles and then gives me a kiss as we all begin making our way inside the castle and his parents it looks like they hadn't followed us home so we just head inside and get ready for tonight. 

With every minute that went by, I had became more and more nervous than ever before because in just a few hours I was going to meet the pack that will become part of my family. I'm still worried they might not like me. 

While I was standing in our bedroom, looking in the mirror while finishing fixing my hair, I notice Blaze come into the room wearing his usual, nice jeans and shirt that showed off his tattoos on his arms with his hair slicked back. 

"You look great. I love you in jeans." He says while kissing me on my neck and wrapping both his arms around my waist. 

"You don't look so bad yourself." I smile at him. 

He turns me around to face him as I wrap both my arms over his shoulders and back of his neck. 

"They're going to love you." He says while pressing his forehead up against mine. 

"I hope so." I reply nervously. 

"I promise they will. Besides, if not, then you tell me so that I can take care of it." He tells me. 

I smile and nod my head in agreement before we kiss each other again. 

"Where are your parents?"

"They're here. They stayed behind because they were part of the meeting that the Elders were having." 

"Oh." I say. 

"So, ready to do this?" He asks as he breathes out. 

"Yeah but, first, when do I shift?" I ask and feel a little bit embarrassed because I should probably already know and he just turned me last night. 

"Tomorrow I will show you. But for now, let's just have fun." He winks and smiles at me. 

"You're right." I agree as I take hold of his hand and we begin heading downstairs where it seems everyone was already waiting for us at. 

The moment I walked down with Blaze holding my hand I actually began to feel a bit more confident and not worried so much in rather or not they liked me. I have his parents approval and that's all that matters really. 

The barbecue was going great and making me realize soon that there was never any need to have been worried, nervous or anything. 

We all were having fun and hanging out as though we were friends just having a get together. Minus them being werewolves part. 

Then during the middle of everything, I went to use the bathroom and was quickly reminded that I was in a castle, not a mansion or a normal size house so I had forgotten where it was at. Then after finally finding it, I opened the door and as soon as I turned the corner to start heading back to everyone, I accidentally bumped into a hard chest. 

"I'm sorry." I began to apologize while looking up and noticing the guy looked to be around the same age as Blaze and was not as big in muscles as Blaze of course but looked just as intimidating. 

"Watch where you're going, HUMAN!" He snaps. 

"I said sorry. Geez." I replied while walking past him. I then feel him grab my wrist and turn me back around to look at him as he shoves me back up against the wall and puts both my hands above my head hard. 

"Let me go asshole." I tell him although I'm pretty sure he can kill me with his pinky. 

"Now listen to me you filthy bitch! You will NEVER be a true werewolf. You got lucky having an Alpha as your mate but as far as our worlds are concerned you will always be nothing more than a filthy, disgusting fat and ugly human being." He says. 

I don't know why those words affected me but they did. I'm not sure in who this jerk off was but whomever he was, I wasn't going to let him see the way his words affected me. Before I could ask his name in who he was, I heard thankfully, Blaze's Beta, Larkin say from down the hallway walking towards us. 

"Let her go!" He calls out. 

The guy then let's me go while not breaking eye contact with me and looking more angry than he was a moment ago. 

"Ow." I say under my breath as I start to rub my wrists. 

"You better get going Sean. Don't want Alpha to find you touching his mate." Larkin warns him with a grin. 

"I was just welcoming her to our world." He lies. 

"Leave now." Larking commands him. "And tell your sister, Josephine, we know all about her doings." He says as he puts his arm over my shoulder before we start walking down the hallway to where everyone was at. 

Before we went up to Blaze, Larkin warned me not to mention who that was back there, otherwise, I'd see a side to Blaze that I have never seen before and may not want to see.....Yet. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)       Okay, so maybe not EVERYONE likes her. :(

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