CHAPTER 10: Can You Show Me?

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I waited until the next day to try and explain everything to Raynie. I was a little worried when I woke up this morning however, because I wasn't sure if she remembered agreeing to doing this in hearing me out and everything but she did remember as she texted me right back after I texted her this morning asking her if we were still good in meeting up today so we could talk and she said yes. 

After picking her up, I hadn't really thought too much about where we were going to go to where not many people were at and where she felt comfortable. Finally, I agreed to play everything by ear and to stop overthinking everything. 

I ended up taking her to a nice little cafe that had great reviews and that I knew she would love because she loves tea and they have a lot there. 

After ordering and grabbing our drinks, we take a seat outside where luckily there aren't too many people at. For some reason, it took me a moment to say anything because I out of nowhere became nervous. 

"So..." She began. 

"Well as you already know, I'm a werewolf and I'm the Alpha of the Red Creek Pack." I begin. 

"Like Underworld, American Werewolf In Paris type of werewolves?" She asks. 

"Yeah. Well, kind of." I reply. 

"Okay." She says with a look of confusion on her face. 

"What?" I ask. 

"I was wondering. Since I'm a human and you're a werewolf, how will this work? I mean, what if I make you mad and you lose your temper? It's like in that Twilight movie where the guy lost his temper and scratched his mate. So what if you lose control and kill me or hurt me badly like that? And also, what about the mate thing? Is that even real? Are we mates?" She asks. 

"First of all, it's not like the movies. Also, yes we're mates and because we are, I could never hurt you or kill you because if I did either one, not only will my pack suffer but I will suffer greatly as well and die a slow and painful death."

"Will the same happen if I were to reject you?" She asks. 

I take in a deep breath and let it out hoping that that doesn't happen but again, it's still her choice. 

"Yes." I reply as I take a drink of my coffee. 

"I see." She begins taking a couple of drinks from her tea. 

"Listen, I want you to know about what happened that day I left." I began. I was waiting for her to stop me and tell me that she didn't want to hear about it and just get up and leave, but she didn't. 

"Okay." She breathes out. 

"I know that what I told you wasn't much of an excuse but it was all I could think of at the last moment. I was afraid of telling you the truth. I thought you wouldn't believe me and that you would think I was crazy and never speak to me again. But I had to leave because I was having to leave for a year to do intense Alpha training and that happens to be also the time where my emotions and everything are more intense. But the training helped with that also. It trains you both physically and mentally. When I came back, your brother had told me you left. Then once I hear about the Reunion, I moved in with your brother and thought it would be a good idea to hopefully catch up with you and try to explain myself." I finished. 

We both shared a moment of silence and the look on her face had me worried as it looked like she was contemplating something in her head and was confused. 

"So, if you're really a werewolf, then show me." She says. 

"I don't think that's okay. I mean, I think it's too soon for that." I tell her. 

"I want to see though. If I really am your so called 'mate' and if you really can't hurt me, then show me and let me see that you're nothing like in the movies." She smirks at me. 

"Okay." I chuckled at how cute she sounded. She seemed like an excited kid. 

Maybe this will not be so bad after all. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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