CHAPTER 30: How Could They Do This?!

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"I'm sorry to say this but, it looks like she has been poisoned." The doctor tells all of us standing outside of the bedroom. 

"Poisoned?" I asked shocked. 

"She seems to have told me that the pain medication she's been receiving has not been to help ease her pain, it's been poison that would slow down her heart, make her weak and sick." He explains. 

"What?!" I began to grow more angry. "MOM! DAD!" I growled. 

Right away I began running down the stairs and quickly head into my dad's office where I knew my mother and him were at. 

"You both have a lot of explaining to do!" I shouted at them. 

"What's the matter?" My mom asks. 

"Don't play coy mom. You and dad have poisoned my mate and I swear that I will have you both be thrown into confinement for eternity if you don't tell me in what exactly you both were trying to do." I scowl at them both. 

"Blaze, I gave her pain medication. I would never poison her." She starts explaining and I can tell she's telling me the truth. 

"I'm sorry son." I hear my dad say. 

My mom and I both then look at him as though we can't believe he means what we think he meant by saying that. 

"What are you talking about?" My mom asks him. 

"I've made a big mistake." He begins. 

"What did you do?" I asked while clenching my fists at my side and clenching my jaw. 

"You see, when I wasn't sure about how you truly felt about your new mate, I had turned to Josephine and her family for help because....." He stopped himself and looked away as though he felt ashamed? "Because I needed to keep our family safe." He admits as he closes his eyes with a look of regret on his face. 

"What do you mean?" My mom asks him. 

He looks at her with pleading eyes and then looks at me the same way before continuing to explain. 

"Years ago, Josephine's father and I were playing an old game we used to play when we were kids and involved me gambling away our title. I lost a bet and lost my temper as well and I had killed the highest Elders' brother. The only person that witnessed it was her father and swore he would keep the secret if.." He pauses again. "If I promised to bring his family into our social connections and wealth."

"You did what?!" Both me and mom say in unison. 

"How could you?!" I yelled at him. 

"I know now it was a mistake and have been trying to fix things for the past two years but haven't had much luck." He assures us. 

"Well you better find a way to fix it. Until then, stay the hell away from my mate!" I yell at them both while mostly glaring at my dad and stomping out of the room. 

Once I get out and start making my way back upstairs to Raynie again, I see Shay walk up to me telling me that she has fallen asleep after throwing up a little bit. Which the doctor said she would do for the rest of the day and would be better by tomorrow. 

I feel betrayed by my own parents. I meant what I said a moment ago to them about how I would turn them in, well, my father, since he confessed to being the one behind all of this. However, something still doesn't add up about all of this. Not that I don't believe him or anything but despite him being a cocky and arrogant at times prick, I can't help but feel that maybe there's more to his story than what he told us. I don't see him really doing what he claims to have done. No matter what, I plan to get to the bottom of all this very soon. 

For now though, I'm going to focus on helping my mate heal and help her become the best and toughest fucking Luna there is!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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