CHAPTER 33: We Need To Do Something

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Getting up this morning was physically hard because I was still sore 'down there' form last night-not that I'm complaining but damn, he is great at that. 

Today, we both were going to speak with Sal about what the hell happened last night and why he agreed and went along at all with what Josephine had said after clearly him and the rest of the council had welcomed her as my mate and to the family. 

Blaze was still upset when he woke up but I was able to calm him down luckily. Right before heading out the door, we get stepped by both of his parents. 

"Raynie?" I hear his mother's voice calmly say. 

Blaze and I both turn and look at me. 

"Yes?" I replied sternly but not sounding rude. 

"My husband and I would like to apologize for what has happened recently with the whole poisoning and such. I promise that neither one of us ever knew it would hurt you and make you sick."

"I know I'm an asshole..." Blaze's father began. "But my son means more than anything to me and though we don't expect your forgiveness or any mercy, we have both decided to turn ourselves in and confess to Sal among the other elders in what happened and hopefully he'll believe us about his niece." 

Blaze and I both look at each other for a brief moment. 

"I feel bad." I mind-link him. 

"For what? They should have known better." Blaze replies. "Don't make excuses for them." 

"Yes but I deep down inside don't feel as though their real intentions were all to hurt me or make me sick." I try and explain to him. 

I then notice him take in a deep breath and let it out before replying vocally and not through mind-linking. 

"Fine. Thanks to Raynie here, she's willing to forgive you a little sooner than me. Now that doesn't mean she has forgiven you both entirely yet, just means that she does a little bit while I personally am not ready to do that." He tells them and both of them look at Blaze and I smile in relief. 

Blaze then excuses as we make our way outside towards the car and start heading over towards Sal's to discuss about last night and see if he can explain. 

When we pulled up and were invited inside by a servant that greeted us at the door, we walked in and followed the guy down a long hallway towards the end and were escorted into a room that looked to be a study and there sitting behind his desk was Sal. 

He looks up over the top of his glasses and smiles warmly while standing up and greeting us. 

"Well this is a pleasant surprise." He says. 

"Sorry Elder Sal but, we have a few concerns and questions we need answers to." Blaze says. 

"I see. Is this about last night and my niece announcing to everyone about you both being engaged and each other's mates?" He asks. 

"Yeah." Blaze replies. 

"Please, sit." He says with his smile fading away. 

"So why did she do that?" Blaze beats me to the question. 

"Honestly I don't know why. I too don't know why I even believed her. Maybe I was drunk, I don't know but what I do know is that I'm actually glad you both came to see me. I have been given some information recently about some disturbing things that Josephine supposedly has been planning recently." He begins. 

"Like what?" I ask. 

"For example, you my dear are her biggest target at the moment and she will stop at nothing to make sure you suffer greatly." He states. 

"Why does she hate me so much? Is it seriously just because I'm mates with someone she wants?" I ask agitated. 

"Partially." He replies. 

"What does that mean, partially?" 

"Well, of course that's a huge reason in why she doesn't like you and tricked Blaze's parents' here into thinking what they were giving you wasn't going to harm you. The other reason she is jealous and doesn't like you is the fact that you are human who wasn't born to a werewolf family but had been turned into one." 

"Does she want to be human or something?" I asked. 

"No. She just doesn't feel that you should get the title you have received recently as Luna of a werewolf pack when you haven't necessarily lived or have been a werewolf long enough to understand our kind." 

"Wow." Was all I could figure out to say. "This is like high school drama bullshit." I say under my breath but both Blaze and Sal heard me. 

"I agree. However, She is dangerous. She always has been that way with the way her parents raised both her and her brother, Sean. They both are dangerous and trust me, I have tried really hard since their parents died to try and make things better, in fact, I was the one who locked her up in confinement." He confesses. 

"That was you?" I hear Blaze ask him. 

"Yes and I see that not even that worked. It has only made herself worse and I'm just not sure what to do anymore." He says sounding defeated. 

"Well, we need to figure out something soon though. We all know what she's capable of doing and we need to find more evidence against her."

"I agree." He says. "I know that sounds terrible cause I became responsible for them but I also have to do what's right as the head Elder of the Wolf Council." 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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