CHAPTER 4: What A Coincidence

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Damnit! I can't believe I keep fucking things up but yet I didn't know how to fix things. Now it's been a week and I have been wanting to see her again but she hasn't stopped by the shop or the apartment as much since I moved here. And I know it's cause of me because Elijah told me how she used to hang out more often then she has been lately.

I do feel bad but at the same time, I can't leave her. Not just cause of the mate thing but because, before I ever knew she was my mate, I've been in love with her. She's owned my heart ever since she started playing and hanging out with us on the playground at school. I know it sounds a little weird considering that I'm a couple years older than her but it doesn't matter. It's just a number and we aren't kids anymore. 

I had just gotten done with a tattoo and was finishing cleaning up and went to take the trash out back real quick when I smelled my mate's scent-damn she smells amazing. I headed back inside and right away stopped myself from stepping any closer to her as I noticed her talking with the guy whose tattoo I had just finished up with. She didn't see me yet. 

"So you wanna go out tonight?" He asks her and I wanted to claw at his fresh new tattoo on his upper right shoulder blade. How dare he talks to what's mine. 

"Uh, yeah. What time?" She asks him, still not noticing I'm several feet behind him. Although I'm sort of hiding from her spotting me.

"Great! I'll hit you up later to let you know when I'm heading over." He tells her. 

This guy isn't even a man. I bet he wouldn't last in a real fight. He looks like he dresses and acts all bad ass when the truth is that he's just a little bitch. I've seen his kind before, I can tell just by looking at him. How pathetic. 

He walks out of the shop and the smile on her face quickly fades as soon as she see's me looking at her. 

"Where's my brother?" She asks.

"He's out to lunch. What were you doing talking with that guy?" I asked while trying not to sound jealous and like it affected me. 

"Nothing. He asked me out. What's it to you?" She asks me. 

"I know guys like him. They don't know how to treat a woman and he only wants one thing." I tell her. 

"And what would you know about how he treats a woman?" She scowls at me while crossing her arms. "I think you're the last person that should be judging others in that department, wouldn't you agree?" 

Even though I deserved that it still hurt to hear her say that to me. Then again, she doesn't know anything about what had really happened and I know that I have caused her some damage and need to prove to her that I'm better. 

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened back...." She stops me while putting her hand up. 

"I don't care anymore. I've moved on from it and it sounds like you should too. So just tell my brother I stopped by alright?" She says and then turns around and leaves. 

"You need to do something to prove to her you love her and get her to listen to you." My wolf tells me. 

"I'm working on it. Didn't you hear me try?" I snap back at him. 

"It was pathetic. You need to act like the Alpha that you are and make sure she doesn't fall for anyone else by the time...." I stop him. 

"I know!" I tell him. 

"Hey, we wouldn't be in this mess if you would have just let me taken over that day." He tells me. 

"Just stop!" I tell him.

I know he's right but I don't wan't to think about another man with her. I need to leave. Luckily that jerk off was my last client for the day. So I'm gonna head to the gym down the street and let out some frustration. 

When I was finally done, I went to the apartment and took a shower then got ready before I left to meet up with Elijah and his girlfriend at a night club they thought I might like. 

I started walking towards the place. It was a little bit of a walk but not too bad for me. A human might have called for an Uber or something but, I liked walking anyways. 

I met up with Elijah and Jane in the club and they were right, I did like it but I couldn't stop thinking about Raynie. I wanted to be with her. 

For the next hour, I had already turned down a few girls and I was sitting around, while on my second drink and scrolling through my phone, thinking about you know who. Then I smelled her scent and as I began to follow it, I noticed Raynie was here and she was dancing with a guy. The same fucking guy that I just did a tattoo on earlier.

I can't allow that! I WON'T allow that! I told myself and finished the rest of my drink before making my way downstairs through the crowd.

By the time I reach her I see she's dancing alone now. Good, he's gone! I thought to myself.

So I get behind her and wrap my arm around her waist to start pulling her back against me and she just goes along with it. She doesn't turn around right away as we sway our hips together at the same time and then she turns around and gasps when she see's it's me. 

I can feel her in my grasp wanting to break free from me but between the music and the way I know I'm affecting her by just touching her, I know she doesn't want me to stop. So I spin her around and then we continue dancing as I put her arms over my shoulders while mine remain on her hips and our foreheads touch each other's. I dip her back towards the end of the song and then bring her back up to look at me and we look into each other's eyes trying to catch our breaths. 

Then she takes a step back as the next song is about to come on and as soon as she turns around, I notice her stop while looking ahead and as I look in the same direction, I notice the guy she was with was grinding with some other girl. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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