CHAPTER 12: I've Missed You So Much

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Wow! Things were going great and way better than I had thought or even expected and as much as I had hoped the hardest part was over, it was far from it. Now, although it's a little nerve wrecking to tell Elijah about me and Raynie, it's more terrifying to know that I haven't told her that both my parents are the King and Queen of all werewolves and that I was soon meant to be crowned. 

One step at a time, I thought to myself. It has been a few weeks since Raynie agreed to give me another chance and I couldn't feel any happier. Tonight, Raynie suggested we tell her brother about us being together and had made a really nice dinner for all of us. 

What was going to be funny and interesting, was that tonight it wasn't just Raynie and I telling him about us, Elijah had told me that him and Jane wanted to tell Raynie about him and her being together for a while, although to be honest, I do think that she already knows or has an idea. 

After sitting down to eat, in the beginning we all sat around and shared an awkward silence before I finally broke the silence. 

"This is really good Ray." I called her. 

"Thanks." She smiles. 

"Yeah, thank you again for making dinner." Elijah said followed by Jane. 

"You're welcome." She replied,

We share another awkward moment of silence before finally looking at each other and all start to laugh. 

"Why the hell is this so awkward?" Elijah laughs. 

"I know, right?" Jane replies. 

"I don't know. I didn't want it to be but, I guess there's no point in stalling." Raynie laughs. 

We all share a good laugh with each other. 

"I wasn't sure in how much longer I as going to be able to keep this awkward silence up." I chuckled. 

"So...." Raynie started. 

"So, I guess that we'll go first." I joked. "Your sister and I are dating." I blurt out to Elijah. 

Elijah and Jane look at each other for a brief moment, then Elijah looks at me and then over at Raynie and he looks really pissed off. 

"Is this true?" He asks her. 

Raynie swallows big and looks at me then sits up straighter in her chair before looking back at Elijah. 

"Yeah." She says. 

Elijah nods his head before looking back at me. 

"How long have you guys been together?" He asks. 

"Just for a few weeks now." I tell him. 

He nods his head again before finishing off the rest of his beer and then looks at Raynie and I again before answering. 

"Well...." He began as we waited for him to yell at us. "It's about fucking time you both confessed." He breaks out laughing. 

"Seriously." Jane laughs. 

"Oh you should talk." Raynie tells them. 

"I know I know." Elijah smiles and looks over at Jane before they look at each other and give each other a quick kiss. 

"I'm glad that you guys are together and honestly, I really do appreciate you guys telling me." Raynie says. 

"Of course." Elijah smiles at her before looking at me with now a more serious look. "And as for you man. You're my best friend and all but I swear if you hurt her, I'll make sure you regret it." 

"I won't." I promise him while trying to hold in my laughter. 

"So, now that we got all that out of the way with, what's for dessert?" Elijah asks Raynie. 

When dessert was over and both Elijah and Jane left, I stayed behind and while Raynie was washing dishes, I walked up behind her and wrapped both my arms around her waist as I began placing gentle kisses on her neck. 

"You look so sexy." I tell her in her ear. 

"Mmm." She moans. 

My wolf begins to take over as I start moving one of my hands from her waist and start to move my hand up and down slowly on her side. 

"You have no idea how bad I've missed you." I tell her in her ear. 

"I've missed you too." I hear her reply as she turns off the water and leans her head back onto my chest then turns her head to look up at me and we start kissing each other. 

I grab her ass and pick her up to put her onto the kitchen counter and while never breaking our kiss and then I start placing more kisses on her neck, down to her chest as I grab her hips. 

"Stop. We need to leave, now!" My wolf says to me. 

"Not now." I tell him.

Both Raynie and I are kissing each other and moaning a little, each kiss growing more and more lustful until my wolf makes me abruptly stop and causes me to pull my head back. 

"What is it?" Raynie asks. 

"I'm sorry but I have to go." I tell her. 

"What is it? Did I do something wrong?" She asks. 

"Of course not love. It's...." I tried to explain. 

"Werewolf stuff?" She finishes for me. 

"Yeah." I tell her. 

"Well, can I come with you?" She asks. 

"No. It's not that I don't want you to come because I don't want you there, it's just too dangerous. I have to take care of something." I try and tell her. 

"Okay. I understand." She nods. 

"I promise i'll make it up to you." I tell her as I cup the side of her face and look into her eyes. 

"You better." She smiles and then pulls my head down closer to hers and starts to kiss me. 

"I'll text you later." I tell her. 

"Okay. Be safe." She smiles. 

"I promise." I smile at her before giving her a kiss and then leaving. 

I swear, I'm so lucky to be with a human that is understanding of all this. It's rare and I even though she's a human, the fact that she still is willing to be with me, after finding out I was a werewolf, I can't even describe or put into words in how great it makes me feel. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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