CHAPTER 16: I'm A REAL Werewolf.....

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"Oh shit!" I say out loud as I notice her pass out. I should have waited to mark her when she was lying down and we while we were making love.

"I'm sorry." My wolf tells me.

"Not now!" I snap at him. "I'm so pissed off at you right now."

"I know, I lost control. Please forgive me." He begs.

"I'll deal with you in the morning." I tell him and then stop our communication as I pick her up and lay her down onto the bed.

I forgot that humans being marked can pass out, just like she has. I swear, I had planned for the moment I would mark her to be better than this and definitely more romantic for her. Not to mention, trying not to kill a mood like the heated one we were both in.

After laying her down, I lay down beside her and wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me as I fall asleep while gently stroking her hair.


When I woke up, I noticed she was already awake and was looking down at her hands on her lap. Oh my god, she's pissed off. She's terrified. I hope she doesn't think I tried anything while she was passed out because I didn't. Okay, I need to calm down. So I take in a deep breath and quietly let it out before saying anything.

"Good morning." I tell her.

"Morning." She replies softly while continuing not to look at me.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" I asked hesitantly as I was feeling nervous as hell.

"Embarrassed." She replies.

"Why?" I asked confused when I'm the only one that needs to feel embarrassed.

"Because I passed out when we were all heated and about to have sex." She says sounding disappointed. "It's embarrassing." She says.

"Hey, look at me." I tell her as I sit up and move her head towards me to look at me. "Last night wasn't your fault. It was mine and my wolf's. Which he apologizes for by the way. I should have never marked you at that moment. I should have waited until we were on the bed and making love. That way you wouldn't have passed out." I chuckle trying to make light of the situation and to see her laugh it off too.

"But it's not fair. I wanted you and have waited so long and I just, it sucks." She says.

"Well, you know, if you want to, we can take a later flight if you want to continue where we left off at last night." I tell her while caressing the side of her leg.

"But I don't wan't to be late meeting your parents because I passed out last night from being marked and we wanted to be late so we could have sex." She says.

"We'll make something up." I tell her as I cup the side of her face and bend her head down to start making out with her then rolling on top of her and right as I start moving my hand up her shirt and kissing her neck, we hear both Jane and Elijah come into the place, calling out for us.

"Guys hurry up we're going to be late for our flight." Elijah calls out.

Both Raynie and I look at each other in disappointment and do a pout face at each other.

"To be continued." I promise her with another kiss.

"Okay." She smiles and then we both get up and start to get dressed before heading towards the airport.

It was really cute watching Raynie react the way she did in First Class. I know it was her first time but damn, it was just like a kid.

It seemed like it took forever and Elijah had messaged me this morning asking me if I could tell Jane about what I am and my family. I tried thinking about if it would be a good idea or not. But she seems trustworthy and I believe him in assuring she won't say anything to anybody. I decided to wait until after we landed and were on our way home in a car that I had rented for us to tell her.

"So this will be interesting in seeing how you grew up and everything." Elijah teases me while I continue driving.

"Yeah, I guess." I began and then looked over at Raynie who smiled at me while taking hold of my hand already knowing the plan. She nodded in agreement that it would be a good time.

I take in a deep breath and then let it out before I continued.

"What?" Jane asked as she couldn't hear me over the music that we had playing on the radio. So I turned it off before continuing and even decided to pull over.

"Listen..." I began to tell her as I unbuckled and both me and Raynie looked at her while I began to tell her everything.

"What the fuck?!" Jane says.

"Please, you can't tell anyone about this." I tell her.

"You're joking right?" Jane asks in disbelief.

"No. I'm not." I assure her.

"And you knew about this?" She asks both Raynie and Elijah.

"Yeah." Raynie nods.

"What the hell?!" She says then looks at Elijah. "Seriously?! Why the hell didn't you tell me? I hate being the last to know things." She remarks.

"I'm sorry baby but I promised him I wouldn't." Elijah apologizes to her.

She remains quiet for a moment and we all look at each other worried as to what she was going to do or say next and to be honest, the suspense was killing me.

"So are you like a wolf wolf, the wolfman or like an actual werewolf?" She asks me.

"I'm an actual werewolf. An alpha to be exact and my parents are werewolves. They're the King and Queen of werewolves." I explained.

"Shit, and you're royal too?!" She says.

"Yeah." I reply while chuckling a little.

"Well, can we see your wolf?" Jane asks.

"Yeah, but later tonight. Right now we have to meet my parents and go over a few things." I tell them.

"Like how your friends are human?" Elijah laughs off.

"No, they already know that." I reply. "I mean the reason why you guys are here and what to expect." I begin.

"Like what?" Jane asks curiously and yet intrigued by all of this.

I was about to answer them until I heard my mother mind-link me asking me where we were at. I quickly mind-link her back and tell them I will let them all know later. This way also, I can go into more detail with Raynie too that I have yet not explained about what all is involved with being my Luna.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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