CHAPTER 22: Now We Can Relax.....Right?

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When I woke up the next morning, I knew things would be better from here on out with her. Not only was she marked but she had been turned. 

While looking at her sleeping after I snuck away to take a quick shower and when I came out still saw her sleeping, I couldn't stop looking and admiring her. She's so beautiful. 

She starts moving around a little in the bed until she stretched her arms out as far as she could to stretch and then I noticed her open up her eyes and see me. 

"Good morning beautiful." I smile at her. 

"Morning." She replies with a smile as well. 

I climb onto the bed next to her and give her a good morning kiss. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask. 

"Good. A little sore, but mostly good." She replies. 

"Good." I smile and kiss her. "Today's going to be a busy day." 

"What are we doing?" 

"The first thing we're doing is meeting the pack." 

"Really? Today?" She asks nervously. 

"Of course. They'll need to see their new Luna." 

"What if they don't accept me?" 

"Trust me, they will." I assure her. 

"Okay." She tells me and then we both get up and get ready for the day before we head downstairs hand in hand. 

Everyone starts looking at us and smiling. 

"It's about time." My mom says as she walks up to us. "Glad to see you're up and feeling alright." She smiles. 

"Me too." Raynie tells her.

"You must be hungry. Come on, let's go and get you something to eat." My mom tells her as we all follow after her towards the dining room and start eating some breakfast. 

"So what's the plan for today?" My father asks us. 

"I was going to have her meet the pack." I tell him. 

"Today?" My father asks. 

"Yeah. Why not?" 

"Did you forget the meeting we have in front of the councilmen today?" He reminds me. 

"Shit, sorry." I reply. 

"It's alright but we have to do that before you introduce her to them." He says. 

"Okay." I look at Raynie and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back." 

"Okay." She says. 

"She's actually coming with us son." My dad says. 

"What? Why?" I asked feeling a little worried. "She hasn't shifted or gone through any of the phases she will be soon be going through yet." I remind him. 

"Doesn't matter. If she's going to be your mate and your Queen Luna in the future, they need to meet her now. They already know she was a human and will be more than pleased to see that she chose to become one of us." He finishes while smiling at her. 

I take in a deep breath and let it out before answering. 

"When do we leave?" I hear Raynie ask. 

"We need to leave here in half an hour." My mom says. 

"Oh my god. That's too soon. I need to fix up my hair and......" Raynie says but is stopped by my mom. 

"Oh honey, come with me." She says as she walks up to Raynie and takes her hand and they begin making their way up the stairs. 

It didn't take them too long to get dressed and ready and like always, Raynie looked amazing. We headed over towards the hall to go up in front of the council. 

While walking through the long hallway down towards the room where the council is waiting for us, I can tell that Raynie is really nervous and I try to reassure her that everything will be okay and that there's nothing to be afraid of through mind-link. Then before she could reply, the doors opened and we walked into the room. 

Raynie and I walked to the middle of the room and she made sure to stay close to me as we stood there with many eyes looking at us both but mostly her. 

"You may be seated." The lead Elder of the Wolf council, Sal, told everyone. 

Everyone began to sit down while me and Raynie remained standing. I know that I should probably be sitting next to my parents who are sitting beside Sal as him and everyone continues to look at us while continuing observing Raynie. So I clear my throat and begin breaking the awkward moment of silence. 

"Elder Sal, I would like to introduce you to..." I started but he interrupted. 

"We know who she is and what she was before last night." He says with a serious look on his face. "And I must say that it took a lot more courage than most humans would show for someone they love." He smiles. 

Both Raynie and I felt relieved to hear him say that. This man is someone who doesn't smile as much nor does he have much of a heart, so everyone including me and my parents are surprised at the statement he just said. 

"Thank you." I bowed my head a little bit. 

"In fact, we'll be keeping a very close eye on her to see her progress and we'll check-in with you both next month." He states. 

"Yes Sir." I reply. 

"Good. Well, that's all for today. I have another important meeting to attend  in a few minutes so we'll get together for another meeting next week." He says before dismissing all of us and ending the meeting. 

It was the shortest 'meeting' I have ever been to with the Council however I was also relieved because then me and Raynie could relax and I can explain a few things about what to expect for when she shifts but also, most importantly, I need to introduce her to the pack. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)      Well, that's good news about the head of the council agreeing to her becoming a werewolf. 

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