CHAPTER 6: Let's Make A Deal!

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Damnit! If Elijah hadn't shown up and interrupted us, I would have kissed her. In which I regret not doing. 

When I finished dropping off Elijah at the shop, I needed to go and meet up with my Second in Command, Larkin at a mansion that I had bought for my pack to stay in until I can convince Raynie that she's my mate and that I really do wan't to be with her. 

When I arrive, I walk inside the house and see everyone standing around, hanging out. 

"Alpha!" Larkin says while bowing his head which makes everyone stand up and bow towards me as well.

"I need to speak with you." I tell him while walking past him towards the office. 

When we got in there, I had him lock the door behind him. 

"What's going on? Have you told your mate yet?" He asked hopeful. 

"It's not going to be as easy as I thought." I began while sinking down into my chair behind the desk. 

"Well that's a human for you." He chuckles before taking a seat in the chair across from me. 

"It's not just that. She can't move on past what happened before I left and for the first time I feel as though it might be too late." I shake my head at how pathetic I must sound. 

"Don't say that man. Besides, You're THE Alpha Blaze. Nothing scares you or has you worried." He smirks. 

"Well this does. This is more than just her being my mate. I have always loved her and cared about her that everyday, I try so hard to think about what I could do to have her give me a chance." I confess. 

"She'll come around. Don't worry, everything will work out. However, in the meantime, you need to seriously call your parents. Your mom especially is threatening to hurt me if she doesn't speak to you soon." He chuckles. 

"I know." I tell him. "I'll talk to her tonight but for now, I need to focus on figuring out in how I'm going to get Raynie to fall in love with me before...." I get stopped by Larkin. 

"Don't say it man. We all promised to never speak of it." He reminds me. 

"Right." I agree with him. "I just never expected it to be this hard." I tell him. 

"That's because you don't know how to treat a woman right." We hear my younger sister as she comes walking in through the secret door behind my desk in the wall. 

"How the hell did you get in here?" I asked. 

"Now is that really any way to talk to your sister?" She asks with her hands on her hips. 

"Why are you here? Did mom and dad send you?" I asked her. 

"No. I was actually stopping by because I was doing some business and wanted to stop by and see how your search was going." She mentions. 

"No you didn't, Maggie. So what do you want?" I ask while folding my arms. 

"Fine." She says sighs sarcastically. "So I need your help." 

"I knew it. What's it this time?" I ask her. 

"I need for you to try and convince the Wolf Council to reconsider their decision recently in telling me that I wasn't ready to become part of the pack."

Larkin tries hard to hold in his laugh and tries to hide his smile. 

"Please don't start that again." I tell her. 

"I will start that again until you finally allow a woman to be in your pack." She scowls at me while stomping her foot on the ground. 

"I swear, you're such a baby sometimes." I chuckle at her. 

"I am not!" She snaps at me. 

"When will you understand Maggie that it has nothing to do with you being a female as to why I don't wan't you in my pack." I remind her. 

"What else could it be then?" She asks frustrated. 

I look over at Larkin and motion with my head for him to leave her and me alone. So he get's up and leaves. 

"I need for you to listen to me carefully and understand something." I began before blowing out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "I am not having you join my pack because, you're my little sister and as your older brother, there is no way that I am going to put you in danger when I need to protect you." I try to explain. 

"Don't give me that bullshit Blaze!" She fires back at me. "I know you love and care about me a lot and I love you too. You're my brother. But you are just acting way too overprotective and you and I both know that I can do more than just defend myself." She says with a raised eyebrow. 

I know that she's right that she can take care of herself and in all honesty would be a great asset to the pack. But she's also very beautiful and my pack may not be able to control themselves since I've been fighting them off in trying to keep them away from her since she matured in high school. 

"It's not happening." I insist. 

"I can help you get your Luna!" She begins to offer. 

"I don't need your help." I assure her. 

"Of course you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be standing here crying to Larkin about not knowing how to get her to forgive you enough to get back together with you." She points out. 

I think about it for a moment before I answer as I look at her contemplating if whether or not I should make a deal with her or not. 

"Alright. I'll tell you what. You help me with Raynie and I will SEE, about letting you join the pack." I tell him. 

"Fine. Deal." She agrees as she holds out her hand as we both shake on the agreement. 

"Deal." I reply. "And for the record, I wasn't crying." 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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