CHAPTER 29: I'll Take Care Of You

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I slowly begin opening my eyes and right away feel my head start to hurt along with nausea. In fact, not a moment after opening my eyes do I throw up off to the side of the bed. Then once I'm done I wipe my mouth with one of the tissues next to the bed and lay back when I see an older man in a dress shirt and jeans with glasses, staring at me with concernment. I gasp and quickly pull the duvet up to my chest. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"It's alright. I'm Dr. Rogers, the pack doctor. I have removed all the poison from your body." He begins to tell me.

"Poison?" I asked confused.

"Yes. Now please...." He began telling me as he walked over beside me. "Tell me what you've been taking." 

"I haven't been taking anything. I mean Blaze's mom been injecting me with a pain killer but nothing else." I tell him worried. 

"Do you know what the liquid in the shots she injects you with looks like?" He asks.

"I-I don't know. Silver and red, I think. Why? Am I gonna be okay?" I asked scared even more. 

"You'll be fine now. Just need to take it easy for a little while." He tells me as he grabs his doctor's bag. 

"Doctor? Why can't I become a full werewolf?" I asked. 

"Miss Raynie, you already have been turned completely into one and it has not been reversed." He tells me looking at me with a puzzled look. 

See, but I thought that's why I've been in so much pain because my body was rejecting everything. What the hell is going on?!

Just then, I hear a loud beastly growl, kind of reminds me of the beast from Beauty And The Beast. I knew it was from Blaze. Then I hear him growl loudly, "Mom! Dad!"

I hear everyone else outside the bedroom door, talking among one another. I want to see Blaze. I need to see him. 

I hear my bedroom door start to open and in walks Shay, Jane and Elijah although they go from having worried looks to relieved?

"Hey gorgeous." Jane smiles at me. 

"Hi." I reply with a vague smile. 

"How are you feeling?" Shay asks. 

"Good. A little sick but the doctor said I'd be okay." I tell her. 

"Yeah. He told us what's going on and if it means anything, welcome to the pack." Shay says trying to make me smile and laugh-which it does. 

"Thanks. Where's blaze?" I asked. 

"As I'm sure you heard him outside the door after the doctor spoke with him, he's downstairs 'talking' with his parents." Shay tells me. 

I just nod my head in response before looking over at Elijah. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him. 

"I will be." He says while clenching his jaw. 

Suddenly I began feeling like I was going to throw up again and ended up doing just that as I rolled over and luckily my brother quickly brought over a waste basket just in time while Jane held my hair back. 

"It's going to be okay." She tries soothing me. 

"I want Blaze, please get him." I begin to cry a little bit as I stop and lay back onto the bed. 

"Alright, we'll go get him but you really need to get some rest." Jane tells me. 

I nod my head as I start to feel sleep take over and close my eyes. 

When I next wake up I see Blaze laying next to me, facing me while laying on his side. He smiles at me as I feel him also begin to place his hand on my arm and starts to move it up and down, gently caressing my arm as I smile back at him. 

"Hey baby." He smiles. 

"Hi." I smile at him. 

"I love you." He tells me. 

"I love you too." I reply and we both begin kissing each other. 

"I promise that everything will be okay and I will not let anything happen to you." He tells me. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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