CHAPTER 20: Take Away The Pain

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Things weren't going as good as I had thought it would be by now. It's now been a little over a week since I had last spoken and saw Raynie. I thought it would be best to give her some space and decided to stay at my beta, Larkin's place for a little bit until I can think of what I'm going to do. 

"Alpha!" I hear Larkin come running into the room out of breath. 

"What?" I asked while sitting up abruptly in the bed as I rub my eyes. 

"It's Raynie. She's in pain. Your parents told me to come and get you quickly." He tells me. 

I get up fast and quickly get dressed and then run along with him back towards the castle. I never should have left her. What the hell was I thinking? 

When I got there, I ran inside and up to her bedroom and saw my parents along with Shay, Elijah and Jane standing around the bed. 

"There you are!" My mom says as she walks up to me and slaps me hard across the face. "Why the hell did you leave her?! I raised you better than that!" She tells me. 

"I know." I reply as I rub the side of my face she hit me on. 

"You better make things right and be sure to officially make her yours very soon or else." She warns me. 

"What can I do mom? Her body rejected my mark and I'm afraid that if I do anything else she will be in more pain." I admit to her. 

"Son." My dad chimes in while walking beside her. "Time is running out and we spoke last night with the Moon Goddess. She told us that everything will be okay and that you both will be fine. But, you need to make sure that when you mark her again, that this time, you give her not just all of your abilities but everything that will help change her fully into a werewolf." 

"No. I'm not going to do it against her will." I protest. 

"But if you don't, you'll...." My mom began reminding me of the consequences of what could happen to me. 

"I know mom. But I just don't want to do it without her permission. I mean, I know that the Moon Goddess said that everything will be okay but I still won't force Ray." I tell them. 

"We understand. However, Since she has been asking about you for the past few days, I'm sure you will not have any problem in her agreeing to do it. Besides, we have already explained to her the situation." She tells me. 

"But..." I tried to protest but I was stopped by Elijah. 

"Can I talk with him?" He asks my parents. 

They nod their heads and both Elijah and I head outside of the room and down the hallway a little bit before he begins to talk. 

"Elijah..." I began. 

"Please, just listen to me. This is already hard for me to believe what I'm about to say but, my sister was in a lot of pain when you up and left a week ago and to be honest I got really pissed off because the last time I saw her in that much pain was when you left her the first time and I swore I would protect her from ever feeling that pain again. Yet, here she was in all that pain for last few days and I couldn't help her. Then I found out that you could and yet you weren't here. I may not know a lot about werewolves or this mating thing but from what I heard from your parents, you CAN make this all go away. And I know how you feel about turning her but her and I had talked things over and from what I gathered was that the problem is you not her, that wants her to become a werewolf. And I can't believe I'm going to say this but, when you turn my sister into a werewolf, just be sure to treat her right because wolf or not, I can still kill you." He threatens me. 

He's right, it has always been me that was hesitant in turning her and I never should have left especially with her thinking that I didn't want to turn her because I would love nothing more than to have that happen. My hesitation wasn't so much cause I didn't think she couldn't handle being one, I know she'd be great. However, it's Josephine and everything that's going on. I would have to give Raynie a crash course of the training she would need and same thing for the shifting process. It's a little easier when it happens when you're a kid. 

"Blaze!" Elijah snaps me out of my daze. 

"Sorry, yeah." I reply. 

"I hate to interrupt but Blaze, you need to come quick, she needs you. The pain medications have worn off." Jane says. 

We start heading back to the room and sure enough, she's tossing and turning on the bed as she moans in pain.  Oh my god, I have to do something and quick.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)  I hope it's not too late. 

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