CHAPTER 36: I'm Sorry Blaze

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The fight was getting to becoming a bloodbath quickly. It's almost as though a war is happening right now and all because of Josephine and her brother. Then to make matters worse, she had her uncle killed, our Elder. 

I notice while fighting, Sean's werewolf sprinting upstairs where I noticed Raynie holding Josephine's wolf up against the wall by the throat, growling at her and I could tell that Josephine was struggling and trying to claw at her but Raynie wasn't letting go. 

I quickly began sprinting after Sean but saw his werewolf quickly throw Raynie off of his sister and Raynie flies over the railing and lands hard onto the floor below. That's when I lost it even more and growled loudly as I quickly jumped on him, knocking him down on the ground and he quickly gets up and we begin fighting each other. Both of us gets in bites and slashes against each other until I get the opportunity to finally grab him by the throat and then feel someone bite my neck after jumping onto my back. 

I yelp loudly before falling to the ground. I start to feel another pair of hands dig deeply into my bite, making the wound bigger. 

I can't find enough strength to fight back for some reason. I'm quickly becoming weak and then begin feeling the worst pain I've ever felt in my side and right away, I know it's not from me, something is wrong with Raynie. 

I quickly take all the strength that I have left and kick Josephine off of me and grab Sean's wrist, twist it and then bite down on his neck and spit out a chunk of it before punching him with so much force into his heart, ripping it out of his chest. 

Then right as I turn to take care of Josephine, I notice that Larkin has broken her neck and removed her head, tossing it to the ground. 

While looking at each other, we suddenly hear Elijah and Jane screaming downstairs. Fuck! Raynie!

I sprint downstairs after I quickly shift and as soon as I get to her, I fall to my knees while holding onto my side again and then I look up and see Elijah pulling out the leg from the coffee table she had landed on and she yelps out loudly in pain as do I while feeling her pain. 

I begin crawling through the pain to get to her but quickly am stopped by the intensifying pain on my side. Then the only thing I could see was darkness. 


Two weeks later

I was lucky in fully healing from all my injuries including the pain but Raynie has been in bed since that night taking longer to heal. 

I haven't left her side since I recovered. It's been really hard because both my parents were killed along with some of my pack members and a few of my family members. However, the important thing was that Josephine, Sean and their pack were all killed and justice was finally served. 

As I'm sitting in a chair next to Raynie, I feel myself trying to stay awake but finally lose the fight and end up falling asleep. 

I'm walking through the double dark wooden doors that lead into the room of the Moon Goddess. As soon as I open them up I see her standing on the other side of the room looking at me as though she was expecting me. 

"You." I tell her as I stomp towards her but she stops me with an invisible force she sends. 

"I know what you wan't to tell me and I understand how you feel, but I am not the one that is responsible for what has happened. Neither are you." She begins. 

"No, it was all you. You're the one that helps put people together and overlooks everything." I began to tell her while trying to hold back my tears and anger. 

"I understand why you're upset and you have every right to feel the way you do, but trust me, I only help people see how great and amazing their life can be when love is involved." She says calm. 

"You're always so calm and collected. What kind of person has no emotions?" I ask through gritted teeth. 

"I do have emotions. I just chose not to let the bad ones affect my life as much and take over." She replies. 

"Why can't you take me. Why can't you fucking just take me." I begin to cry at her. 

"That is not what I do. That is up to fate." 

"Fate?" I ask. "We all learn since the day we're born that there's a mate for everyone and the possibility of living ever after. But the truth is, I don't think you have ever loved. Have ever sacrificed for love." I tell her almost regretting telling her all of that. 

"You think I didn't give up anything? I live my life finding others their mates while I forever never have one of my own. So yes, I did give up things I wanted when I was younger. A family. A mate that loved me. But that will never happen for me and I've learned to accept it and found that helping others find that amazing feeling, made me just as happy. Besides, it wasn't me that made you feel what you felt with Raynie. That was all you and your heart." 

"That's bullshit." I disagree. 

"Is it? Even I'm not that powerful to make people feel the way they do. You could have chosen to forget her, cause I did try to help forget her but you couldn't and I knew since the day you met her that she had a hold on you. Mind you also that she was human and chose to give up everything she ever knew, to be with you. Why? Because she loves you just as much as you love her. There's no secret to love and to living a happy life. There's no magic to it neither. Life will not be easy but with love, it sure makes it amazing. In fact, the only cure for pain, is love. No matter what the outcome is with her, just continue to love her."

"I'll always love her. But she can't go. I'm begging you, whoever can take this pain away from her and who can let me take her place, please make it happen. I can't lose her." I start begging and crying down on my knees in front of her. 

I feel her hand over my head as I bend over on the floor. 

"I'm sorry." She says before I find myself waking up. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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