CHAPTER 18: What's Happening?

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It was a little awkward to see my father after the last time we saw each other. We both had gotten into a fight about him trying to convince me to try and convince the Moon Goddess to give me another mate when I kept protesting and tried to explain why not but he just continued ranting on about how un-supportive he was with this. Not to mention that my mother warned me before we arrived in how he felt about all of this with Raynie, her brother and best friend coming to stay here with us and how more in danger we would all be in as a result of it.

I love my father and understand why he has always been hard on me but right now, it just wasn't a good time for him to be acting the way he was. So I ignored the tension I felt as soon as I saw him.

Dinner wasn't too uncomfortable and I knew that my mother would love Raynie. After we were done with dinner, my father wanted me to meet him in his office. So I followed after him as he got up and excused himself from the table and started heading towards that way.

After closing the door behind us and him walking over towards his desk to take a seat, he quickly lights up a cigar and pours some brandy from the glass decanter on his desk and began to sip from it.

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" I ask him.

"I want to start off by telling you that what I said the day before you left, I didn't mean all of it but you have to understand what bringing her here now at this time will do with everything that's going on. Not to mention also her brother and best friend things can get really bad." He says.

"I know. But I also know what I'm doing. I know that I had broken the rules in telling both her and her brother as well as her best friend about me and you guys in what we are but, I had to." I began to explain.

"The severity of everything going on right now is really bad and bringing her here I just worry." He says.

"Worried? About me? Or about your reputation to the Council?" I asked him cocking an eyebrow.

He looks up at me and locks his jaw then takes a few puffs from his cigar and puts it out.

"You have no idea what it takes to be a king. The responsibilities to everyone, including your family..." He stops for a moment before continuing. "I know that you are upset with me from the last time we saw each other and I don't blame you. I just, I'm scared." He says as he looks down at his desk. "I'm afraid of something happening to both you and your mother. This is the first time in my entire existence that I have the most fear I have ever had." He finishes.

Damnit, now I feel like shit. He's never been a man to show his true emotions like this. Now that I have more of an understanding about things, I feel like I owe him an apology.

"Dad...." I started but he stopped me.

"Please. I just wanted you to know that although I've never been the one to express, like your mother has about how she feels about you and show you how much she loves you, I want you to know that I do love you and always have since the moment I found out we were going to have a son." He smiles at me.

I am in shock mode right now. I'm not sure in how to respond. I feel like I'm looking and talking to a completely different person.

"Dad, I know you care about me and worry too and I know the consequences in bringing Raynie and her brother and best friend here right now, but I was more scared of leaving her behind. I mean, she surprised me when after she heard what I was and even saw me in my werewolf form, she still wanted to be with me. I'm in love with her and I want you to know that you raised me and trained me to be the best Alpha and future king of the Werewolves and that no matter what happens, we'll take care of it." I tell him.

He looks back at me and smiles while nodding in agreement.

"Okay." He replies. "Well, tomorrow you're going to need to introduce her to the pack." He says.

"But I wasn't planning on introducing her to all of them at once. I was going to do it..." I started but he stopped me again for the second time.

"We don't have that much time. Tomorrow's going to be a big day for everyone so, you guys should all go to bed early tonight." He suggests.

"Okay." I nod.

Suddenly I see my dad stop and looks off to the side.

"Oh my god." He says while running past me. "Come on, it's your mate. Something has happened." He says.

I quickly push myself past him and find everyone surrounding Raynie as she lays on the floor, passed out. It's not until I kneel down and look at her that I notice some dark blue veins sprouting out through her neck from my mark I gave her.

"What the hell happened?" I asked feeling panicked.

"I-I don't know. One minute I was giving her a tour and the next, she collapsed." My mom says while wiping a few tears from her eyes.

I pick her up and begin quickly heading upstairs and lay her down in our bed, scared about what's going on and what's going to happen.

What have I done? Did I mark her too early? Oh my god.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);) I wonder what's happening. :(

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