CHAPTER 13: Will You Go With Me?

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It's been a few days since the day Blaze and I had both told Elijah and Jane about us as they did also with both of them and also the night when both Blaze and I were in a heated moment with each other and then he had to leave to deal with 'werewolf' things. 

Ever since that night though, I haven't heard from him-no text, no phone call, nothing. I started to get worried as though something might have happened to him or maybe because I didn't get the feeling that he was playing a joke on me or was leading me on. 

So I stopped trying to get a hold of him and just decided not to think about it. Today was my day off and I decided just to stay in and relax at home and was trying to find something to watch while waiting on some food I had ordered not that long ago. Then I heard a knock at the door and grabbed my wallet from off the coffee table in front of me and when I answered, ready to pay the delivery guy, I saw that it was Blaze. I jumped back startled. 

"Oh my god." I gasped. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Can I please come in?" He asks. 

I wanted him to come inside and hopefully get a good explanation in why he hasn't returned any of my texts or calls but I wasn't sure. 

"I don't know." I tell him. 

"I promise I will tell you everything in why I haven't returned your messages in the past few days." He says with plead in his eyes. 

I'm still not sure I'm ready to hear what he's about to tell me but I know also that I should hear him out. 

"Alright. Come in." I tell him. 

He walks inside and we both sit down on the couch and I mute the TV before he starts to explain. 

The night that I left to go and take care of something, well, it wasn't just something. I met up with my Second in Command and he told me that things were happening back at home and that my parents were in danger." He started. 

"What kind of danger?" I asked. 

"There's something threatening them. I can't explain it, at least not right now. But I do have to go home and try to help them." He says with a worried look on his face. 

"Oh." I replied disappointed. 

"But Ray?" He asks while lifting my head up to look at him. "I want you to come with me." 

"Are you serious?" I ask him. 

"Yeah. I don't want to leave you but, I can't stay either. I have responsibilities." He says. 

"Well of course you do. You're the Alpha of a pack." I smile at him.. 

He begins shaking his head a little bit. 

"It's not just that. I have other responsibilities because I'm, also the future Alpha King of all werewolves." He blurts out. 

Did he just say he's the future Alpha king of all werewolves? He's a royal? This can't be real. He's got to be messing with me, right?

"A king?" I ask. 

"Yeah." He repeats. 

"Wow." Was all I could muster as I still couldn't believe that this was all even real. 

"I'm sorry. I know this is a lot for you and we just got together and I..." He stops himself as I can tell he's beginning to get a little choked up. "I don't wan't to lose you but I can't abandon my parents either." He says while beginning to cry a little bit. 

I know that I it's a huge decision but this is all happening so fast that I'm not sure what to tell him. A big part of me wants to be with him and then on the other hand, my brother also is all I have left and Jane my best friend. I can't just leave them. 

"I..." I started to answer but then he stopped me. 

"You know what, I'm sorry. I never should have asked you. It's a big thing I'm asking from you and I'm sorry." He says while getting up and walking towards the door. 

I want to tell him to stop and try to keep him from leaving but, nothing comes out. Then right as he opens up the door, there stood the delivery guy. 

Blaze doesn't look back at me he just starts walking downstairs to leave and I feel my heart start to break. I then get up and quickly run out after him and grab his arm to turn him around to face me and I grab his face and start to kiss him. 

He begins kissing me back and when we pull our heads apart for a moment to look at each other, that's when I give him an answer. 

"I'll go with you." I tell him. 

"Really? Are you sure?" He asks while wiping tears from his eyes. 

"Yeah, but under one condition." I begin to tell him. 

"Anything." He smiles in relief. 

"Can my brother and Jane come too? And can we tell them?" I ask. 

He nods his head in agreement before kissing me again. So this should be interesting. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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