CHAPTER 5: You're Very Talented!

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After the song was over, I suddenly felt like I came out of a trance as I stepped back from him and realized I never should have danced with him and turned around but stopped immediately as soon as I saw in front of me my so called date was dancing with another girl. 

It wasn't that I was sad or anything, I was more pissed off. Although at the same time I guess I can't be too mad because he probably saw me dancing with Blaze. So I turn around and glare at him and shake my head before storming out of the place and luckily making my way through the sea of people and outside and began trying to call for an Uber to come get me and take me home, I feel someone grab my arm and turn me around-of course it was Blaze. 

"Leave me alone." I snap at him while still trying to find the number. 

"Wait, I'm sorry. Let me take you home." He offers. 

"No, you've done enough, thank you." I yell at him before starting to walk away from him but he didn't let me. Again, he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. 

"Just let me take you home, please." He tells me. 

"No." I tell him as I tried struggling myself free from his grip but he was too strong and I finally just stopped and jerked my arm out of his hand while agreeing. "Fine." 

Throughout the entire ride to my apartment, I remained quiet. I was too mad and upset to speak with him so we shared an awkward moment of silence until we pulled up in front of the apartment complex and I thanked him before getting out. 

"You're welcome." He replies. 

Before he could say anything else, I got out and started making my way up into my apartment. I just wanted to go to sleep and forget all about tonight. Including that dance I had with Blaze. 


A week has already passed since the reunion and since Blaze had returned. Luckily it was easy to avoid him because I had a lot of clients that I needed to do Special Effects for, well more like trial runs, since Halloween was in a few weeks. 

For some reason, werewolves were in this year and several of my clients wanted me to create full body costumes. It has taken several months to make the prosthetics for all of them and a lot of fittings, but I'm almost done with the final touches. Then, I need to get ready for other clients that wanted me to do some Special Effects on them as well. 

I'm glad for the work and the amount that I had to keep me busy and help me not think about Blaze because it really hasn't been easy doing that. 

Today, while I was working on the last werewolf costume, doing a few details with the head while listening to loud music and then I turn around and am startled when I see my brother standing there looking at me. 

"What the hell?!" I yell at him before turning the music off. 

"Sorry sis." Elijah laughs. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask him while trying to collect myself for a minute. 

"I'm just here to grab my costume for the big Halloween Party that's in a few weeks." He tells me. 

"Right, sorry." I began remembering he told me that he was going to come over today to grab it. "It's in the back." I tell him. 

"Alright, I'll go get it. Thanks." He says and starts heading in the back. 

I try and go back to working on the werewolf's head until I hear HIS voice coming from behind me. 

"That looks amazing." He compliments. 

"Thanks." I tell him while continuing to work on the head for one of my clients. 

"I didn't know you were so talented." He says with admiration. 

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me." I replied while finishing putting the last sharp canine in the mouth. 

"I know, but I'd like to...." He says and then does something he has never done before. While my brother comes walking out of the back room with his costume, Blaze has not stopped trying to get closer to me. 

"Hey man." My brother interrupts unintentionally. 

"Hey." Blaze says. 

"Sorry it took me so long, it was hard to find my costume." Elijah says. 

"It's cool. You ready?" Blaze asks him. 

"Yeah. I'll see ya later." Elijah tells me as him and Blaze begin to leave. 

I just stand there watching them drive off and start asking myself in what had just happened. Was Blaze going to kiss me? In front of my brother?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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