CHAPTER 31: Am I Ready For This?

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It's been a few days since I was sick and the next day, Blaze explained to me everything that had happened. However, I wasn't as upset as I probably should have been. Maybe it was because I felt bad for his dad and knew that from what he had told Blaze and his mother as the reason for doing what he did, that it couldn't have been easy keeping all that from them, not to mention, I don't get the feeling that he would have done it on purpose. 

Yet still, I was still curious about how the serum had gotten into the hands of his mother and her not pay enough attention to notice the color change from what she was giving me to what she was actually giving me. 

After getting ready for today, I made my way downstairs to see if I could speak with Blaze's parents while he was out with LeRoy and the rest of the pack. While walking down the hallway towards his office, I knock first and then walk inside since the door was already half way opened. 

"Mr..." I was about to finish saying his father's name but I stopped when I saw Josephine sitting behind the desk looking through some papers. 

"What are you doing here?!" I asked assertively. 

"Oh, I didn't know anyone else was here." She smiles. 

"What are you doing in here?!" I repeated while walking a little closer towards her. 

"Don't worry. I was just looking for something." She smirks. 

"Well, don't you think you should wait for Blaze's father to return before you go snooping through his things?" I asked while crossing my arms across my chest. 

"Pff. Please, I can do whatever I want." She states. 

"No you can't. I know what all you tried to do to me and just so you know, it didn't work. So before I call the guards, I suggest you leave and I'll make sure that nobody finds out about this intrusion." I warn her. 

"My are we brave." She says as she slowly stands up from behind the desk and walks towards the front of it, looking at me. "You think that just because you've been given the chance to become a werewolf that you'll be accepted?" She smirks with a cocked eyebrow. 

"I already know I will. The head Elder of the council already accepted me as well as the others." I tell her with my head held up a little higher. 

"You've got guts. I'll give you that. But know this, that you will never be like us." She says. 

"Fuck you. I don't care what you or what you're pathetic brother thinks." I assure her. "Now I'm not going to tell you again, please leave, NOW."

She stands there for a few more moments glaring at me until she suddenly smiles. 

"Fine. But do make sure Blaze's father knows I was here and that we need to talk tonight after my party." She tells me. 

Shit, I forgot about the party tonight. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they get the message." I scowl at her some more. 

She then looks back as she gets to the door, takes one final look at me up and down and let's out a short chuckle before leaving. 

Damnit, I forgot that her party was tonight. I really didn't want to go and according to Blaze and his parents, none of them wanted to go neither but tonight, Blaze told me the importance of going because he had a surprise for me tonight and that it was something he wanted to tell everybody, including me. 

So of course, he convinced me to agree and since all this other stuff had been happening and the threats towards his parents were getting more and more frequent, we all seemed to have forgotten about the party all together. However, we also could not show up since the status of their family is high in this society. 

So Blaze had Shay help get me ready for the big event and even helped me with my hair and makeup and I gotta say that it felt like I was having my sister help me. It was fun. 

Then we started walking down and the stairs to meet up with everyone and all of their jaws dropped as they looked at me. 

"What?" I asked nervously. 

Then I saw Blaze start walking up the stairs to me and takes me hand and kisses the top of it while looking in my eyes. 

"You look beautiful." He smiles. 

My heart melted as he said that and all my nerves calmed right after that also. Then we finished walking outside in the limos and began heading over towards the party. 

After arriving and getting out, we started walking inside and though it wasn't a castle, it was a really big mansion. The biggest I had ever seen. 

There was music being played by a small orchestra and waiters and waitresses walking around carrying trays of small finger foods and champagne. 

So Blaze grabbed us some and we began walking around together walking hand in hand and to be honest, I was having the time of my life. Although I kept thinking in my head about what Blaze wanted to say in front of everyone including me. 

We begin dancing and during the middle of it, the music suddenly stops and out comes Sal, the Head Elder of the Wolf Council. 

"Good evening to you all!" He greets everyone at the top of the balcony by the stairs. "Welcome to my nieces welcome home party. It's been just a little while since she has been released from confinement and I hope you all can help welcome her back. I hope you all have some fun tonight and in just a couple of hours from now, we will hear from our great Alpha Blaze Medinger who has some news to tell us." He says with a smile and a wink. 

Oh my god, Is Blaze going to propose? Is this how he is going to announce me to everyone? Am I ready for this?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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